Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hong Kong and Thailand

Guess what? I'm so excited to travel this year. I can't wait for October to come. That's the month when I will travel to Hong Kong. It's going to be my first time to visit Hong Kong, then I will be able to visit Macau as well. I heard that Macau is not large, but plenty of casinos. I wonder how expensive it is to stay there for a night? Maybe it is as expensive as Singapore. I will definitely find out later when I am already in the country.

I'm just so happy and excited. I already prepared myself for the travel. I don't want to spoil a single day without doing anything fun. I make sure to take plenty of photos. I hope it's not cold in Hong Kong when I go there. I'm not so used to cold weather. I'd be glad if the weather is the same as Singapore. See you very soon Hong Kong, Macau and Thailand! I can't wait for that day to come.

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