Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday Outing

Today I got invited to an outing by my auntie's relatives from her mother's side. I am not a blood relative of them as I am related to her husband: he is my dad's first cousin. Anyway, the family came all the way to Hernani from Tacloban City just to visit Canhugas. They sent my auntie yesterday the budget for the outing so we could prepare for food before they arrived this morning.

I woke up early so that I could go with my auntie to the market. I helped her to carry the food. After buying all what's needed, we cooked it, then it didn't take long and the family arrived. They had their own service car, so ride wasn't the problem for all of us. We went all together to Canhugas. It was their first time there. They were surprised by the nature park, but some of the adults complained that the place did not look like on TV. Well, it often depends on the weather how it looks like. I didn't care what they said, for me it was only important that myself and my brothers and cousins had fun.

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