Monday, August 28, 2017

Busy Holiday

What a busy Monday for us here in Samar. Today is holiday, as usual no classes at school. I won't be back in the city until Wednesday morning. I am cleaning the front yard of our house with my cousin. We are almost done. I took a break just to write my thoughts about what I am doing this day.

From a really dirty and grassy front yard to a clean and organized yard. My auntie is at work, she doesn't know about what we are doing right now. She will be surprised when she comes back from work about the new improvement of her front yard. There is a lot to change, we also organized the flowers that my auntie planted few months ago. Later today the place will be nice to look at. It's really good to clean up everything today, because the weather isn't hot. It looks cloudy, and not sunny. Everyone is that scared to stay under the weather like this.

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