Friday, August 11, 2017


A 23 years old military Intel died last night. He was shot in the head by an unidentified killer. As of now, the case is under investigation. It will will take a while before the investigation is done. Being a military Intel is a dangerous job. You are like a spy. I'm sure the guy knew the circumstances of his job before he even took the job.

Once you work as a military spy, your life is at risk. It is a very dangerous job. All you can do to be safe is to be very careful not to get caught while doing your task. He died at the age of 23. That's just too young. I hope justice will be served for him soon. He had a young wive, but he didn't have a child. It would be bad for a child to lose his father.

I hope the person he worked for take care of his burial since the family of this guy don't have money to take care of everything. Rest in peace, brother, I know God has a better plan for you up there.

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