Sunday, August 20, 2017


Around 7pm I and my cousins decided to watch the Tonight Show at General McArthur City. We stayed there for almost two hours. It was already 9pm when we came back. We used my cousin's motorbike and ate Dolly did drive us. While we were on our way home, we saw a huge snake on the road. Neither of us did know what kind of snake it was, so we were too scared to drive back to check the snake. I'm not sure if the snake was sleeping or dead or alive. For sure, if the creature stays long on the street, it will soon be dead, because there are plenty of huge trucks passing by. They will roll over the snake.

Venomous snakes on the road at night can be dangerous for bikers. Always drive with headlights switched on, to see what's ahead of you. Some people are too careless and drive without light in the dark. I find it very risky and it's also against the law!

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