Friday, August 25, 2017


Hello to you all! It's dinner time for me here. By the way, did you hear that melon becomes vegetable meal?  I thought melon is a fruit and you can extract its juice. But in the province, we also eat melon with rice like a vegetable. That's my dinner tonight. My auntie cooked it for us. Glad we have melon at our backyard. We can cook one whenever we want.

I can tell you all how to cook a melon: First you need to peel the raw melon. Once you're done peeling it, you have to slice it in small pieces. You will need coconut milk for the melon, and if you want to mix it with dried fish, it is also fine, because it makes the vegetable more tasty. I love most kinds of vegetables except salad. I can't eat salad. We didn't spend money on our meal tonight. I'm happy for that. Sometimes simple meal is much better than buying meat and chicken at a store.

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