Thursday, August 17, 2017

I am too old for parties

My friends in Manila are always partying. Sometimes it makes me jealous that they get to go out and party. But I am happy being a student, and as student, I cannot party so much. The truth is that I no longer have interest in night life. I think I'm too old for that, besides it's only a waste of money. Alcohol at any disco bar in Manila is expensive. If you earn your own money, like myself, it is not good to waste money this way.

Now, if I like to drink, I'd rather buy a bottle of Red Horse which only costs me 45 pesos. Since I moved to the province, I became uninterested in the party lifestyle. When I was younger, I thought I couldn't live without going to the disco, but I was wrong, because I am no longer interested to it. I've survived for more than a year without visiting a disco. I don't think I'd be a party animal again, I'm too old for that!

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