Wednesday, May 31, 2017


When I was little, my only dream was to have nice dresses on Christmas, and more toys to play with on birthdays. Being from a poor family, that was often an unreachable dream for me as little kid. But even though I did not get what I wanted, I still ended up happy with the toys that I had. My father is just a farmer, and my mother is just a housewife who took care of everything in the house. Therefore we never had lots of money. We had enough food to eat, but we were not well provided with other nice things that every small kids wanted to have. But I cannot complain! I was just a child who was happy with anything.

As I get older, my dreams change. I have now more ambitions. First, I want to finish my education. That's my most important dream. When it comes to gadgets, I am still like a little girl who wants unreachable things, like the best smartphone, the best TV, etc. It is not anymore about toys, but about the modern products of daily life that only rich people can afford. Well, I am not rich. But they said dreaming is not bad: you can dream big, and it is up to you if you'll make it happen. If you are a person with a good strategy and motivation, then you'll succeed. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Prayer For Marawi

I am sad for what happens in Marawi. The Maute group of terrorists have attacked the city Marawi on Mindanao. I do not understand why. What this terrorist group does seems not logical and seems not to have any purpose. It is just a random insane act of terrorism. So many died already in just a week, most of the dead are innocent victims. Nobody understands why they are doing this. This is crazy.

Those people who died are gone forever. It is so sad that they had to die like that. I pray for their soul, and I hope the killings in Marawi will stop soon. I pity for the small kids who are trapped on this war. They are just kids, they don't deserve anything like that. I wishes everyone out there nothing but their safety, that's all I can do for all of them. We are all praying!

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Good morning everyone! Hope you all are having a fantastic day! I feel great, becayse I had a good night sleep. I am a sleep person: when I have enough sleep, I am happy, when not then I am usually in bad mood.

Having enough sleep is very important to our daily lives. We are more stronger, we are more dedicated to what we do, and most of all we are hard to quit onto something difficult when we are energetic. Healthy eating is also important, without eating on time, and not drinking enough water a day a person can become weaker no matter how long we sleep. 8 hours of sleep is the maximum hours of sleep for each of us, most of us even sleep longer than 8 hours, others never get to sleep enough due to working routine. But with healthy food to eat, it helps us regain enough energy until the rest of the day.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Wrong timing

Yesterday, I went to Tacloban until this afternoon, now I am back home. I feel tired, while I am writing this, my eyes feel like closing. The 3 hours trip isn't so bad, as I get used to travel between Tacloban and Borongan, still today I am tired.

I went to Tacloban to pay my apartment rent and to get a new phone. That is, I was hoping to get a new phone via postal package, but it didn't arrive yet. My old phone is not good anymore, hence I need this new phone urgently. I waited until this afternoon for the delivery man to call me. But to my surprise I didn't get any call. So, I left my ID at my landlady so she will be able to receive the item for me. I hope when I come back next time, the cellphone is there.

My old phone was a Samsung, and it is sad it is broken. Of course I cannot afford yet another expensive phone, so I am getting an inexpensive Cherry Mobile phone. I never had one of this brand, but I am excited to see whether it is good enough for me. If not, well, then I will start saving for an expensive phone again. That's life!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Family Drama

Someone from our barangay just got arrested for harassing his wife. Jealousy converted into hate and violence, as the husband hurts his wife in front of their 3 kids. He was drunk at that time and the wife was alone with their kids. It was a serious case of domestic violence. They are our neighbors, therefore I know their story.

The wife called the police to ask for help from her abusive husband. So the policemen came and locked the husband into the cell for the whole night. This morning, they invited the wife to the police station so that she and her husband could talk over their issue. According to the wife, her husband begged for her forgiveness, but she was so mad at him that the husband always hurt her physically whenever he wanted too. She decided to never go back to him. The husband now is still in the jail. I think her decision was right, but it is also hard for their kids to be raised in the broken family. I know how this is, as I grew up in a broken family as well.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Samsung Phone Battery Problem

Samsung is among the leaders in mobile phones, because they make fancy smartphones, just like Apple. A Samsung phone is great when it is still brand new, but when it is years older, you can no longer expect it to work as good as it was. It is a pity that mobile gadgets break so quickly nowadays. It seems the companies want us to buy a new phone every year.

My experience is with a Samsung J3 phone. I bought it for ca $200 last year. Brand phones are always so expensive in Philippines, unlike Europe or USA where the competition is higher. At that price, expect it to be a nice phone. But no matter how you take care of the gadget, it will end up broken anyway. I liked this phone so much, and I've been using this for a year now, but it seems already at the end of its life. I don't know what is really wrong with this phone, but I cannot use it when it is charging, because if I do, instead of adding battery percentage, it charges backwards. Last night before I went to bed, I plugged it in, hoping that it would be fully charged after 8 hours, but it was only at 50% charge when I woke up. It is really annoying. Everyday I had to deal with this.

I hope I can fix it somehow. I thought about taking it to the cellphone repair shop, but I don't feel like letting anyone touch my beloved phone yet. Maybe I just change the battery myself. I'm not really sure the battery is the only problem why this phone is behaving badly, because once it was charging, the charger did explode. This might have affected the electronics inside the phone. Anyway I'll be having a new phone eventually, and I hope that one has a longer battery life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Excited for Fiesta

Nine days more and then we will have fiesta here in our barangay. I can't wait for that day to come. I will meet again my batchmates and friends and we will party night and day. It is going to be a fun vesper night for all of us. It should be great, since fiesta only happens once per year. Already now, people are preparing, fixing fixing their homes, getting ready for the big day.

But before the vesper night, on June 1, there will be the "Miss Gay" competition. This happens every fiesta. It is a pageant where all the contestants are gays, that is ladyboys. Or simply boys that dress like women. This is always fun too watch, because the contestants present themselves with a lot of humor, with some irony for the gay culture or making fun of the way how beauty queens behave. You'll laugh at loud by their performances. The most interesting part of Miss Gay for me is when they are uttering their motto which they've created. They are really funny.

Our gym will probably be crowded with people from all around the world to watch the Miss Gay and Vesper night celebrations. Everyone is invited to the fiesta, so whoever wants to party, please come and join us. Food is free as well. Most houses will offer different dishes on the vesper night. I hope everyone can enjoy the fiesta.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Rest in Peace, my Cousin

It is a sad day. At 2pm yesterday, my cousin passed away. He is same age as me, and he was my batchmate in school. He is too young to die, yet it happened. He's been sick for more than a year already. He fought for his life very long, but his bravery has ended. I feel sad that he is now gone.

We used to be close friend in elementary and high school. We lost contact when I left the province. He went to college but did not finish it, then he went to Manila and found his love, and he made her his wife. It is sad for her, too.

Later, they came back to Samar and my cousin went back to college as a working student while his wife worked as well to meet financial needs. He was in 3rd year college when the family found out that he is sick. They brought him to different doctors, but all said the same thing: He has leukemia. Due to lack of money, they couldn't afford to sustain his medication. He became weaker day by day since the medication stopped. Yesterday, he lost his fight for life. We must accept that each life has its ending. We will all die afterall,

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Fiesta in Cacatmonan

Yesterday afternoon, I, my brother, and my cousins decided to visit Cacatmonan. I wrote about Cacatmonan already last year, and in case you don't remember, I tell you again what Cacatmonan is:

Cacatmonan is a small village up in the mountain. There are not so many houses, maybe 16 to 20 houses. They have an elementary school up to grade 3 only. After that, students need to go down from the mountain. They have a small gym which they use not only for sports but for all kinds of events and barangay activities. The most important of Cacatmonan is that is is off the beaten path. No cars can go to there. It is not easy to visit, because the only way is to walk for an hour in order to reach the top. If you visit Samar and you love to hike, then Cacatmonan is probably for you.

Last night was their vesper night. I was present, I even started to dance cha-cha along with my cousins. I think I need to learn dancing now. I'm happy for that, because I'll be dancing once again this coming fiesta in our barangay. Anyway last night was a blast.  The party was so simple yet everyone is having fun.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Japanese Love Story

It seems every girl dreams to become a princess, but one is willing to give up her royal status just so she could mary a commoner. It shows that love is never deterred by anything in the world, even it is fame, inheritance, or popularity. Once someone catches our heart, it is really difficult to get out of that situation. We fall inlove, and once we are in love we fall deeply. That's normal to us as human being.

Back to the story that was recently in the news: It is about this Japanese princess Mako, a grandchild of Japan's Emperor Akihito. She had met her soul mate and they are now engaged. The Japanese Imperial Hosehold law dictates that she loses her royal status when marrying a commoner. Well, at least she can be with her love. She is in good hands, because the guy happened to be a lawyer. Isn't that great?

I have a thing for royalties. In fact when I was younger I loved to watch fairy tales. People said that I acted like a princess sometimes. Well, they say it even now, when they mean that I am stubborn. Lol. Anyway, I wish nothing but the best for the engaged couple.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Be positive!

Good morning! Start your day with positive vibes and be happy! You have something to be thankful of, as every day is a gift from God. You wake up in the morning feeling great and blessed. Isn't that amazing? Being positive to things makes us believe that anything can happen. We are all blessed in different ways.

It is good to have a plan for each day. Because then you stand up in the morning and don't stay in bed all time. Nothing will happen if we don't follow a plan. Some people just stand there and dream into the day without plan. I believe that being positiv is the key to a better day. Don't ruin it by just one simple problem. Remember there is nothing we cannot overcome. Every problem has a solution.

We must be strong no matter what challenge is thrown to us. We are born in this world to be happy, not to be sad. Be positive and great things will happen in the right time, and in the right way!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Getting a New Bank Account

Previously, I had a bank account at BDO but it got closed because my balance dropped below the minimum. Now I am trying to get a new bank account at Metrobank in Borongan. I got all the requirements already. Metrobank has branches everywhere in the Philippines, and I think it is easier to open a bank account at Metrobank than at BDO. They require only 2 IDs.

I could have done that long time ago, but I was lazy to get the needed requirements. Hence I waited until college vacations. So I'm heading to Borongan city now with my cousin. I hope it will go well at the bank.

Having a bank account is easier for me. My salary goes to my bank account directly, and I can then get money at every ATM in the Philippines. Having a bank account also makes me feel like a business lady, not like a poor college girl. That kind of makes me excited.

As you know, my salary comes from my blogging job. I write stories to support my studies. I like it this way, even though sometimes I find it hard to write when nothing exciting happened. But in the end, I still manage to write some stories. I know my blog is not that professional, but I am thankful for every reader. I can't see my blog as a real job, because it is not full time and it may appear very easy. The only difficulties I have on this is when my brain doesn't work. Then I won't get any salary. I am thankful that I got this side job as it gives me the opportunity to study. I'm looking forward to writing more blogs, so that I can have my salary in my bank account next time.

How people treat you

Don't get too attached with anyone! People leave eventually after they got what they want from you. These days, even blood relatives can betray you. Once they see you succeeding with life, they get jealous and find ways to drag you down. Trusting people is a dangerous road. Do not show to anyone that you're a soft hearted person. Once they see you as someone who is easy to manipulate, they will use you and then you are screwed up. As long as you help them or as long as they get benefit from you, they will be your best friends, but when you cannot help anymore, they will call you a bad person.

Selflessness is rare these days. Avoid bumping into greedy people! Hence be careful whom you trust! Beware!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Drivers licence

When you ride a motorbike in the Philippines, you need a drivers license. This is very important in the big cities, but in the rural province, people usually didn't care much about having a license. But recently, the police checks got more strict, and if they catch you in the province without license, you will be summoned for your action.

Few days ago, I thought my brother was one of those who got caught by the autorities for not having a driver license while driving a motor bike. I was worried of him. I tried to call him by phone but he was out of reach. I heard once the LTO catches you and you cannot pay the penalty, you might end up losing your motorbike.

I've been telling my brother to fix his license as soon as he can, so he can drive without worries. I hope he will listen to me, because when he gets in trouble with the police, I cannot help him. I love my brother, but I can't always be there to help him.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Hiking to Guinduyan

I got invited by my friends to go hiking to Guinduyan, a place between Nagaja and Ularon. This is part of Hernani, but I haven't been to Guinduyan before. Hence, it was my first time. Guinduyan has a beach and a cove, but it is a bit away from the street, hence you have to hike through nature. I feared rain was coming to make my camera wet, but luckily this did not happen.

It is not easy to go to Guinduyanan at all. You'll have to walk for an hour before you can see the place. Make sure you are wearing jogging pants or jeans to avoid scratches, because there are plenty of sharp grass and bushes and rocks. And bring a hiking gloves, just in case you need to climb. How to find the place: you just simply look for the highest rock, climb on top and look around. You can also take photos there. Guinduyanan itself is actually quite small, but it is surrounded by huge rocks. The middle is what they call Guinduyanan. The cave is the edge part of it.

After we spend some time in Guinduyanan taking photos, we decided to take a different route to walk back. We wanted to see the other side of Guinduyanan. That route was a bit risky, because we had to walk by the side of the rock connected to the cave with the big waves. On that route, we had to jump from rock to rock with the right timing to avoid getting hit by a wave. I had no problem with this, as I am slender and good at climbing, but some of the olders of us needed help. At the end, we all made it. Everyone seemed relieved that no one got hurts. That was a memorable hiking experience for us. Thanks to my new friends who invited me. Most of them are teachers.

The next day after the hike, I started to feel a bit muscle pain in my both legs. It felt like doing squats the whole day in the gym. Hiking keeps you fit. Overall, that was a good experience. Gosh I'm dying to do another adventure!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Radio Day

Sunday is good when the radio is on. No reason to leave the house once you hear the music from the radio. Even it is an oldie, it's not boring to listen. I was born in the 90's but when I hear my favorite Pilipino music from 70's, and 80's, I will stay near the radio.

There are so many new music, in particular Pilipino music, but I prefer to listen to old songs when it comes to Tagalog music. I don't know why, I just like the old songs.

It's perfect when you are lying in a cradle with the fan is on. You can fall asleep really quick. That's where I am now. We have cradle in our small kubo house. Not a baby cradle, but for adults. I don't feel the heat from the outside, it's just so refreshing while swinging.

I think I will fall asleep anytime soon. It's only 11am here. I ate lunch already, I'm full, and now I am sleepy. Kind of early for a nap, having no shower causing me to sleep. I think I'm going to shower first. Anyway I wish everyone a blessed Sunday! I hope you are all enjoying the weekend.

Happy Mother's Day!

I'd like to greet all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day. Salute to all the single moms who raise their children well, despite having no one to help them. They didn't give up, they just get stronger. That's how a mother should be to their childrens.

Your mom is everything, love her no matter what happens! If you have a troubled relationship with your mother, on mother's day you should forget the trouble and greet your mom on this very special day. You need to realize that no matter how bad or good a mother is to the kids, the children still own their lives to their mom. We should be thankful for it.

My mom and me are not in good terms for so very long time. Sometimes we are okay,  most times not. The last time we talked to each other was last year. Now I don't know where she is. We maybe have fought with each other, still she is my mother. And I love her, and I wish I could see her in real right on this day just to greet her a Happy Mother's Day. I want to hug her, give her flowers, and treat her to dinner. I feel sad, because it isn't going to happen.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

English is not what makes a person smart

English is not a measure of intelligence. A person can be really bright without speaking another language. To speak a foreign language is good, but it isn't they only indicator of a person's intelligence. We are all intelligent in different ways. Some of us speak languages, some of us create amazing art, some of us are good in math, some of us are spirited dancers, and so on. Everyone has his or her own way of intelligence, and besides that, we all have the ability to learn a lot to enhance our knowledge.

Nowadays, people judge others often only on how properly we speak English. This is in particular unfair for Filipinos, since we never hear proper English in TV or radio: in fact we learn Tagalish, the unique form of mixed English that you can only hear in the Philippines.

A person can be really good in English or in foreign languages, but still not smart enough to master the daily life. Another person might have always difficulties to express himself in proper English but might be smart in all important life decisions. I think that can be called intelligence. Whenever we hear someone speaking incorrect English, we should listen WHAT the person wants to says, and not HOW he or she says it. We should judge the content, not the form! Wrong or stuttered words are just the form, while the ideas that the person tells us might be brilliant. Remember we all have intelligence, in many individual ways!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Outing at Bora

Four days ago, I atteneded a Bora outing. It happened to be my brother's birthday celebration, on May 10. But we celebrated his birthday 2 days before his actual birth date. I prepared simple food for him: Pancit Bihon, rice, and fried chicken. He wished to get spaghetti, but most of us don't eat spaghetti, so we stick to Pancit Bihon. It was my cousin who did all the cooking, since she is an experts with it.

Then we headed to Bora. Don't confuse this with the more famous place Boracay. In Samar, the place called Bora is not popular since it is a small rocky beach. But people who prefer less crowded places will appreciate the nature at Bora. Anyway we enjoyed our outing, we were all cousins. Two of my brothers didn't go with us. Since nobody tried to swim, after few hours we decided to come back home. It was a very simple, yet fun outing. I'm glad I was able to make my brother's birthday a little bit special. He was thankful and happy. And that is something I can be grateful of.

Doing Laundry is Always Difficult

Been stuck in the house the whole day. I was supposed to do my laundry this morning, but the weather didn't cooperate to my plan. It didn't rain for a while. The small river we used to do our laundry has no longer enough water. If this summer continue without days of raining, the river we call 'Salog ' will dry out.

So, without river, it is harder to do laundry. You need to fetch water and fill your tub for washing. Sometimes you need to keep in the line along with others, and wait for your turn to fill your tub with water. The best time to do laundry is early in the morning, before the sun rises. If the day stays sunny, you then have plenty of time to dry your clothes. I was used to hard work when I was really young, but since I live in Tacloban, I enjoyed the ease of the comfort of the city. I'm again adjusting myself. When school starts I will always be in the city, so I won't be doing the same thing I do here since it is a bit better there than her in the province.

Private School vs. Public School

In the Philippines, it is more comfortable to study in private schools. The classes may be similar difficult, but the administrative procedures are easier. Once per semester, we have to get instructor signatures for our clearance. In private school, you don't need to do much for this, while in public school, you have to chase your instructors, and some are nowhere to find. And even if you find them, they get annoyed by the signing procedure and put you hurdles here and there. Well, not all teachers are like that, but you find more of that kind of teachers in public school and less in private school.

Private schools are not really strict when it comes to enrollment. What matters to them is money. That's why they are not so hard to students. They teach you enough to learn your course, and it is up to a student if he/she is interested in learning. Spoiled brat students don't really pay attention to their study, that's why they always choose private school. There, they have the freedom to do what they like.

For me, studying hard is a matter of course. It is up to me if I am willing to learn my course. Teachers are not always the one to blame. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to study and I try to make the best out of it.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Excited about the coming fiesta

It is 21 days before the Fiesta in our barangay. 3 weeks to wait, and that's enough time to prepare for the occasion. June 2-3 are the Fiesta dates. Vesper night is June 2. It means there is disco. Everyone is invited, even if you aren't from my barangay, you are welcome to join. Those who love to dance are lucky to have fun there. I think I will be the only one who's going to stay boring the whole night, sadly because I can't dance.

I will have to be at the vesper night, because every elementary batchmates is inclined to show up, and participate in the event. We call it Alumni. It was 2006 when I graduated from elementary, so we are probably wearing t-shirt with printed batch year, and name on it. That's why the leader of our group already informed me about the plan, and that each of us will have to cooperate for the party to happen. I can't remember how many are we, I can only remember few people from that time. I forgot most names. But once I meet them again, I will surely remember them.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


I am already enrolled for the third semester. I can't believe I finished the first year of college without failing even a single subject. I am grateful for that. I may not have the high grades, but I am happy that I didn't fail in any of my subjects. I do not need to repeat classes, and most of all I won't be wasting another year just to study the same subject. All my studies are on plan.

I'm ready to begin another chapter of my life as a college student. In less than a month, school will start again, and I am so ready for that. Just one more year for me to graduate in college. I can't wait for the big day to come. I can't wait the day when I have to go to the stage to get my diploma. When that happens I will be the happiest person on earth, because I can finally call myself an "educated person". Good luck to me, so that I don't fail in the coming semester.

I think all of us have a goal in life. We stop pursuing them not because of lack of courage but rather because of finances. I am happy for my side job which helps me to pay my college. Be thankful for what you have, and never forget the person behind your success!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Be wise, think of the future!

My old friends from Manila are always having fun in the city, always partying, wasting money on alcohol. I bet if I was still with them I'd be doing the same thing as they do. Glad I went away, I used to  be like them. I was always out most nights to have fun, then coming home broke. Thinking of the past makes me realize that being a party girl won't do good to anyone. I'm happy with my new life away from the sin city.

I hope my friends will also realize that education is everything! With education, you can decide what you really want to do in life. My friends have enough money, they could study if the wanted. Instead of wasting money on alcohol, it would be better if they spend it in school.

There is a saying, have fun while you're young, but do not skip education. Always take the opportunity if it is given to you. If I stayed in the city, I wouldn't have reached one year of college. I'm proud of my self, and to the decision I've made one year ago.

Weather changes

People changes, and so does the weather. Earlier the sky was so bright, it was all sunny and hot so that you melt under the sun like ice. Now it isn't. The sky became darker, and the rain doesn't seems to stop for the rest of the day. The wind blows cold air to us. I wonder why this weather change. I hope there's nothing wrong, no typhoon coming. It is not yet typhoon season. Maybe a little bit rain once in a while is just part of summer.

If it had rained last nights while Brgy. Padang was celebrating their Fiesta, that would have been bad for the organizers of the special events. In rain, not many people go there. Lucky for them it didn't, as they had nice weather. Today it is still Fiesta, but it is all about eating and drinking. Soon the Fiesta is over, another year to wait before the next one comes.

Friday, May 5, 2017

What's for Dinner? I'm hungry!

It's getting dark, and I feel hungry already. My stomach is asking for dinner. It is kind of early for dinner, and my auntie is not home yet. We will probably wait for her to get home from picking up shells in the sea.

I feel tired, because I've been fetching water for an hour. I managed to fill the huge containers with water. The water is needed for bathing and for flushing the toilet. We fetch water twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. I and my cousin do it alternately.

Since we lost the faucet back in 2013 due to typhoon Yolanda, water is one of the main problem in my barangay. Guys probably have less problem carrying heavy buckets of water, but for me, it is tiring. But I'm not complaining, because if I quit fetching water, then I wouldn't be able to shower. Luckily, my boarding house in Tacloban has running water, hence it is easier there.

Enough with the water problem now. I must get something to eat.

Happy Fiesta Padang

My howntown Hernani has several barangays, and soon there is fiesta in every barangay. For barangay Padang, fiesta has already started. Last night they had a live band, as well as disco sponsored by one of the richest family in Padang. There were even fireworks in the night. I bet they spent a lot of money on that event. Well, that isn't surprising, since most members of that rich family lives in the USA with better jobs. The sponsor is also the wife of American guy who has two sons. They were all at the gymnasium, taking over the night, dancing tango, and any other traditional dances.

Brgy. Padang has their own huge gymnasium. This is good for such fiesta events or other big parties, as well as for playing basketball tournaments. It has a roof, so it is no problem to party there even at bad weather. I wish that my own barangay Batang would have such a gymnasium, but we don't have. We always pray for good weather when fiesta comes. Maybe in the future, we get one. Anyway, Happy Fiesta Brgy. Padang!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The "War on Drugs" needs to stop

In earlier blogs, I have written already about the "War on Drugs" that the Duterte administration is fighting. At the beginning, I wasn't clear about it, but more and more I come to the conclusion that it needs to stop.

During that "war" from July 2016 until now, more than 7000 people died, including many innocent people. This is just too much. The killings must stop now. No matter how bad we are, we still have the desire to live in this world. We all deserve a second chance. Because we are humans, we make mistakes, but mistakes can be corrected.

Don't get me wrong: drugs are bad! But killing innocent people is worse. It is never justified to do worse in order to solve something bad. Most of all, the legal system must be obeyed, and the legal system of the Philippines does not know the dead penality. Hence, any action against drugs should not kill people. Killing is illegal.

I heard in the news that the number of people killed in police actions during this "war" went down now. I hope the killings will end soon. I don't say that we should not do anything against drugs, but I think there are other ways to solve the drug problem.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Reconciliation with my brother

Lol, I was sulky. I promised to myself not to talk to my brother for too long, because he pissed me off for some reason. But as a sister, I just cannot hold on to that. I and my brother fought to many times, but no matter how we hated each other during the fight, at the end of the day, we managed to settle things and go back to normal.

This time, the situation was different. Since we fought, we haven't talked to each other for days. It's funny. I saw him around and we were like strangers. My auntie knew we weren't in good terms, so she asked me stop the drama and start talking to my brother. I would have done that anyway eventually. So I approached him earlier this morning right after he arrived from work. I talked to him first, and he responded to me. It seems we are back to normal. We are both the same, we get angry for a short while, then later on we are no longer mad. We are both moody. I think I am worse than he is. LOL!

Summer vacation is almost over

Time flies so fast! Now is already May 3rd. One more month and vacations are finished, and students need to go back to studying. But before the school starts for me, first, I will celebrate our Fiesta this coming June 2, and 3. I can't wait for that day to come. The most awaited day happens once a year only. It is a very special day.

I think the school will start in second week of June, so I still have some time to enjoy the remaining vacation days. I had a little vacation trip, and that's good. I had been to Sambawan Island. The remaining vacation days, I'll just go for a hike with my friends. They invited me some time ago.

I can feel the heat now. I'd better shower. It is very sunny here even it's only 8:12 AM. I'm sweating while writing my thoughts. So I will leave it like this. I hope all of you a better day!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Happy Fiesta to my other hometown

Fiesta is happening now in my mom's hometown. My grandparents still live there. I am currently in Hernani, my father's hometown, and that place is a bit far from here. I feels sad that I didn't make it to there. My grandparents thought I was coming. They waited for me to arrive yesterday. But I told my cousins to let them know I am not coming. My grandparents understand my situation, so they just tell me to come another day even it isn't Fiesta.

Every places has its own Fiesta, and it only happen once a year. When Fiesta is near, everybody is busy preparing, from making their homes looks nice and clean to preparing food. Fiesta is very important to us province people, because no matter how far we live, we make sure to be home for the Fiesta. It's nearly as important as Christmas with family. I am sad that I didn't make it to my grandparents this time. Happy Fiesta to them!

Monday, May 1, 2017

John Wick

Okay, today I am not doing a movie review. I am talking about the actor who plays John Wick. It is Keanu Charles Reeves. He is a Canadian actor, producer and musician. He is also famous for the Matrix movie franchise.

There is a viral message on Facebook that Keanu Reeves is a humble actor who lives a simple live instead of enjoying a luxury celebrity life, that he even rides on public trains with other regular passengers instead of using expensive limousines or sports car, and that he gave part of his personal money to the special effects and makeup artists that made his movies a success. There is also a video of him where we can see him sitting in the train, but when he saw a woman standing, the actor stood up to let the woman take the seat, like a true gentleman.

Honestly, I don't know whether those viral messages are true. Many viral threads on Facebook are false hoaxes or urban legends. But whether true or not, this message about Keanu Reeves is an inspiration for me, because I long for a humble life and do not need much luxury, and I want to help people around me, in particular my family.

There is one thing that I can say for sure: Keanu Reeves is a great actor. I have seen many of his movies, and I look forward to see more movies of him. Maybe John Wick 3 soon?