Friday, April 7, 2017

Leaving Silago

Here at Silago Terminal waiting for Grand Tours bound to Tacloban. This is going to be a long trip for me, because from here to the city will be 2 hours trip, and then another 3 hours from Tacloban to Samar. Being 5 hours on the road is not that good especially when the road isn't that nice.

Anyway, it was my first time to be in Silago. I've been invited to come here many times, but I never really got time to visit, because whenever I got free time I always go home to my hometown rather than going to other places. Now that I've seen Silago, I think I'd go back here next time. I like it here, so peaceful, and people are very friendly.

My friend's mother is very welcoming. During my 2 days of stay in their house, I got well provided from bed to food. I'm so grateful to have met them all. Even the grandmother of my friend is so nice. I wish I had a grandmother as nice as her. She always talks to me, I never got bored, she's funny as well. Happy that I've got to know them even just a short while.

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