Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday!

During Good Friday, everyone goes to church just to walk along with the crowd. I just saw how many people came together on this Good Friday. I was there, I even walked barfoot with everybody until 13 stations. Some people didn't walk barefoot, they were with shoes. Everybody can choose what's good for them.

The way of the cross, with 13-14 stations, is tradition here in the Philippines during holy week. During that time, everyone sacrifies a bit. If you are a tourist in the Philippines, you might see a Good Friday procession with people carrying a big cross. In some places, even people get nailed on the cross, because they made a vow to experience the same pain as Jesus when Jesus helped them or their family before. Others hit themselves with sharp stuff to their back to experience some Easter pain. This is normal here in the Philippines.

Happy Good Friday to all Filipino people!

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