Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter Gift Waiting in Borongan

Hurray, I will get an Easter Gift! I just received a call from LBC to notify me about a package for me. Since they don't deliver all the way to Hernani, I need to go to Borongan to get it. The LBC woman who called me sent me two tracking numbers. I know one package is chocolate, but I wonder what the other tracking number might be. I will find out in Borongan.

I am excited to see what is in the package, because I have no idea yet. It is a good surprise. While writing my thoughts about the Easter gift, I and my cousin are already here at the side of the road waiting for van-van bound to Borongan. I haven't been to the city for a while. I'm interested to see what's new there, new stores etc.

Anyway, I choose van-van whenever I travel long distance, to avoid sweating. A van-van has air condition while a jeepney has none. A van-van also has more space on the seats. Also, a van-van is much faster because it doesn't make so many stops. In one hour, I will be in Borongan.

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