Monday, April 10, 2017

Rice harvesting

What a wonderful day here in Samar! The skies are brighter than yesterday. Farmers who harvested rice are lucky that today the weather is good for drying their rice under the sun. Last month was the time to harvest rice in the fields. Most people in our barangay grow rice for their own needs, to avoid the high costs of buying it in stores.

Rice farming has a specific time cycle. I think once you planted rice, you'll have to wait 4 months for the harvest. Hence you can harvest twice per year, if the weather is good. Working in rice fields is hard. We all know that province life can be difficult sometimes, but city life is much more difficult though if you have no money. In the province, you can live self-supplying your needs, so you won't go hungry, as long as you are willing to work hard in the fields.

To dry rice, it is just laid on the flat ground exposed to the sun. At that time, the rice looks like gold, but once it is peeled ot becomes whiter. Seeing golden rice makes my heart filled with joy. I am happy for the people who can provide their own rice.

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