Saturday, April 8, 2017

Craving still for Lechon Kawali

It's been two days since my friend cooked us Lechon Kawali but it feels like just today. When I look at the picture that I took on the table, I can still taste it. I really liked the Lechon Kawali. I wish I could cook as perfect as she did. I'm willing to try to make it soon, and to see whether I can pass as a good cook to my future husband. LOL, just kidding! What I mean is that I want to prove to my auntie that I can cook better that the frying of fishes that I usually do.

I'm excited to cook Lechon Kawali although I'm nervous thinking I might fail and would waste the meat instead. These days, meat is much more expensive. It seems the price goes higher everyday. Well, I need to try to cook, how would I otherwise know whether I am capable of cooking. In fact, what my friend told me about cooking Lechon Kawali was enough for me to learn. I'll keep you guys updated once I succeeded on this. I'll probably write about it later.

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