Monday, April 10, 2017

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today's my mom's birthday, and I feel bad that I am not able to greet her on her special day. We are not in good terms, she's too far away from me, and I don't have her contact number. I really do miss my mom! If I could do something to reach her, I would. We haven't seen each other for a long time now. She had been so distant to us, that I don't even know where she is.

If only my mom can read this message! I am her child, and I will not forget her as she gave birth to me, and I'm grateful for that and for everything she has done not just for me but also to my brothers. I love my mom, and I miss her so much! I know I'm not a good daughter to her, but I never forget that she's my mom, and that I love her. I owed her my life.

Happy birthday mom! I wish you nothing but the best in life, good health, and a better life. I hope you're in good hands wherever you are. Always take care, we love you!

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