Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Good morning

Good morning to you all, wherever you are around the world! I hope you have a great day, morning, evening or night.

It's sunny morning here in the Philippines. I decided to write down my thoughts while I am waiting for my breakfast. I never liked breakfast at all, but I want to make a change, so I will have a cup of coffee and scrambled eggs. My cousin is cooking it at the moment.

I think today I'll do something useful. Maybe go to Canhugas this afternoon. I haven't seen Canhugas for a month now. I might take a visit to the place later.

I wish for everyone nothing but the best! Be positive and never take life too seriously! You don't want to get old carrying lots of problems around. Instead, enjoy life! Choose happiness, not sadness! Be with people who value you! Show them the same amount of attention and love they've giving you! That's all. Take care! :)

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