Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Yet another earthquake stroke Northern Samar. Before that, there was an earthquake on Luzon. No worries, I am ok, the Samar earthquake was in the sea.

But why do earthquakes keep striking the Philippines? Does this mean a big one is coming? I hope not! Earthquakes happens very often here, and some are so strong that the people get scared. Whenever there is an earthquake in the ocean, there is also the danger of huge waves and a tsunami. This is bad for people living near the coast. In the province, the majority of people live right by the ocean, including myself.

The Philippines are part of a "ring of fire" on earth. These are locations where the continental plates collide with the Pacific plate, i.e. the ground of the Pacific ocean. Those plates drift in different direction, which causes friction. From time to time, the energy of this friction is released, which causes an earthquake or a volcano eruption. It is said that a huge earthquake happens every century.

Anyway I hope that big earthquake does not happen at my place. Disaster can happen anytime, we must be aware of  it in order to be safe. We need to take care of our elders, and we need to teach our kids how to behave to be safe from earthquakes. Though earthquakes cannot be prevented, all we must do is to be careful and always stay away from old building or unstable buildings, and most of all stay away from the ocean when there is a huge earthquake. Be safe!

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