Thursday, April 6, 2017

Face your fears, but stay always careful

You must face your fears, a saying goes. One of my fears is to have an accident when riding motorbike. But I drove all the way to Hernani alone. This is my first longer trip since I learned motorbike recently. I never had the guts of coming here, because I don't trust my driving skills. I am still learning. I can drive, but every time I see a dog on the road I get scared. Animals are unpredictable on the street and I don't want to get into an accident. When I see a dog, I always drive slowly.

One time my cousin got into an accident on the road while driving a motorbike because of a dog. He slowed down when he saw the dog, but it was too late because the dog did an unexpected movement. So they crashed into eachother. My cousin got hurt with many bruises, and he stayed in the hospital for a week. The hospital bill was expensive, and that's not fun. I don't know what happened with the dog, though.

To avoid accident, just drive always carefully! That's what I do. 

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