Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Planning for an outing

I'm planning for an outing this coming Saturday together with my family. We will go to a beach and swim in the ocean. That's normal here in the Philippines. The beach is nearby my place so I can easily go whenever I wanted to swim or just to chill. I don't plan to go to Canhugas due to the earthquake that keeps striking, for everyone's safety. So I choose Panay beach. That is all just sands, no rocks or caves. Maybe a sandy beach is more safe from an earthquake.

You can go to Panay beach without entrance fee, but if you want to have a comfortable outing, then you'll have to rent a cottage. The cottage costs only 200 to 300 pesos. This is not so bad. There is a table where you can put all your food.

Okay, that's the plan. I only hope everybody will have time to join. I can provide the cottage from my salary, but I hope those who are willing to come can at least share some penny to cover up some of the things needed such as food and drinks. I'm excited, I'd make this come true.

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