Monday, April 3, 2017


Good night everyone!

It is bed time here already. I was watching TV and haven't finished to watch the "Rated K" but my cousin sleeping place is nearby the TV, so I needed to turned off the TV. She can't sleep while the light is on. She needs to wake up early for work tomorrow. I understand that.

They're already sleeping now. I can hear them snoring. I wish I could sleep right after closing my eyes. But it never happens. I always have a hard time falling asleep. Also, my phone data doesn't work when I am inside the house, no signal on my both simcard, so I am not using Facebook anymore. I fear I will still be tired when everybody wakes up in the morning. I miss those days when I used to sleep long hours a day. Maybe I need to quit thinking of a lot of things on night time so that I can sleep right away. Or I count imaginary sheeps to fall asleep.

Anyway, I'll try to sleep now! Good night everyone! Sleep well, and sweet dreams. :)

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