Friday, October 23, 2015


I like good looking guys driving their motorcycles, specially a Harley Davidson (that's the bike name, not the guy name ☺). Even girls who could drive any kinds of big bikes look so awesome and cool while riding a motorcycle. It's not new to me: everytime I see a guy or a girl driving their big bikes makes me want to drive a motorcycle too. That is really funny because in real life I can't even ride well on a normal bike. Practicing to ride a bike on the highway with cars nearby scares the hell out of me.

I started liking motorcycles when I met my ex-bf about two years ago. He had a Harley Davidson and a Yamaha. The first time I ride on the harley was really fun and so damn cool. I even got to watch the bikes show that my ex had joined last year. He is member of a bikers group, all with their Harleys. Until now I'm still a fan of big bikes, even though we already broke up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons

How come I didn't feel the 5.4 magnitude earthquake ealier? Was I that numb already?

The same thing happened to me back in 2013 before the tsunami hit our place. There was an earthquake and I was one of those people from my place that didn't notice it. We got surprised by the tsunami warning following the earthquake. Living close to the sea, everybody could have died from the tsunami, but we were still evacuated at a higher place due to the typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. We were kind of lucky to be safe with the tsunami. But on the other hand, we were also unlucky because the typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda did hit us and destroyed our homes. The typhoon was really strong and could swift you off your feet once you come outside, therefore it was important that we were evacuated at safer buildings. But still, the typhoon did cost thousands of lives and homes, so we were lucky to be alive at the end. And it helps that many people in the province are very smart, responsible and alert eachother whenever they hear from somebody that there will be an earthquake, tsunami or typhoon coming, so that there is time to bring the family to a higher place or to a stronger building for safety.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Bad experience

When I was a teenager, I was a tomboy: I acted like a boy and even dressed like a boy. But that changed when I saw our neighbor with her daughters from her foreigner husband. They were so adorable. I was like "wow, maybe one day I can have a family like hers too". So that's when I started to change and felt like I was really a girl. So it stayed in my mind, that's why I was more attracted to foreigners because I wanted a foreign husband with similar cute children when I am ready for it.

But I never expected this to be ruined. I was young and stupid when I met my first boyfriend. I fell in love with him easily. I thought he is a nice guy but I was wrong because he was only nice to me at the beginning. He suddenly changed after a while. He didn't care anymore about our relationship and he started cheating. Everytime I found out that he cheated he always denied it. We were together for almost 6 months, but before my birthday I broke up with him. It wasn't really easy for me to break up with him because he was my first love, he was my first of everything. But  honestly, after a couple of months, I moved on. I realized I was being a fool and been fooled by a demon. I learned my lesson from it. Now I am careful! I dont even want to be in a relationship with somebody I am not so sure of.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Drawing hair

I've been sketching for a couple weeks now but I still can't figure out how to draw realistic hair. It's just so difficult for me to do. I dont know if it's my pencils that is not good or my hands are the problem. But I would say my drawings are improving now. Unlike the first time, when I was starting to draw, the result was awful. But now I'm finally able to get almost the result of the drawing that I try to draw.

I love art and I love to draw but when things get too difficult, I also hat it. What always gives me a hard time is the hair, the nose and the face shape. That is really difficult. Even shadings are not easy to do. That's why next time I draw I'm goig to use soft pencils for shading so it easy for me to always erase and correct the wrong angles of the face. Well, I think a soft sharpened pencil is the easiest pencil to use  and draw for a realistic hair.

First jet ski ride

The first time I ride on a jet ski was last year with my friends. I can say it was really fun! I was able to drive it around even though it was my first time to ride jet ski. I wasn't scared; in fact I was so desperate to try it. My friends couldn't drive because they were so scared to even try to drive so I was the one that volunteered since they wanted to check around the island.

It was really fun but tiring because I was the only one that holds the handlebar for an hour. It wasn't really scary to try if you are courageous and can face and try any kinds of activities just like I do. It was fun but it charged us a penny. It was 3600 peso per hour. But once you enjoyed  riding jet ski the money that you spent does not matter at all. I and my friends have now been doing jet ski for like 5 times last year. It's been  a while since the last time I ride on a jet ski. All I can say: jet skiing is really fun and you should try it!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


It's been raining since yesterday because of typhoon Lando but I'm glad it's not windy here at my place. I am not so sure about other places. Well, I hope no one gets hurt or dies because of this typhoon. In particular those families who live in the mountain region of Luzon should be careful and evacuate before it's too late. The typhoon is on track in that direction. It's not safe to just stay at home when you are living in a dangerous place. If you really care about your family, be wise and move your ass up and leave the danger zone for your family safety!

In my province, 2 years ago, a lot of people died because of being stubborn and didn't evacuate. A lot of those who lived by the sea died because they didn't listen even though they had already heard in the news that there's super typhoon coming. Even though they were warned, still they ignored all warnings until it was too late for them to survive. I was there, I did experience that typhoon, which was the strongest ever, and I am lucky that I survived.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Scary world

It's a dangerous life! Some people have gone crazy and mad! So, why I am saying this? It's because I found out that one of my friends got robbed by a taxi driver on her way home from the shopping mall. The handover taxi driver, or I should say, the guy pretending to be a taxi driver, threatened her with a knife, scared her, even gave her a kind of KO drops so that she fell asleep, took her stuff and finally dropped her off in the middle of nowhere in Manila while she was still dazed. Good thing is that he didn't get her phone because it was in her pocket. The things she lost don't matter at all, what matters is she is ok and alive.

Life just is getting scarier! From now on, I will never take a taxi alone when I am in Manila. Take note, all foreigners and filipinas, be careful and absolutely vigilant when it comes to riding in taxis. You have to protect yourself against these evils. Never forget that there are some humans on earth that would do anything just to get what they want and even are willing to harm anybody just for that. I though the Philippines are a peaceful country. People like them don't deserved to be here at all!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Be matured

I and Jessa had a misunderstanding earlier. It's because of that goddamn party that I intended to ignore. She doesn't understand my arguments when I told her that I cannot go partying with her in Manila. She got pissed off  by my answer. Jesus Christ! I'm getting tired of partying so often. Even I don't have to spend any money on it, I still don't want to go because I have other useful things to do rather than partying.

Honestly I was once a party animal. It started back in 2013 after my break up with my ex. I did enjoy partying until last year. Now I cannot call myself a party animal anymore because I don't party as often anymore. Nowadays I have different priorities. Jessa doesn't understand how I feel because she's just 20 years old, and she has plenty of money so that she can party as much as she wants. I try to save money. I am not saying I'm old but I'm already 22. I need some time to think of what's the best to do in life. I don't want to end up like other former party girls who are now old and have now a miserable life.

I miss my best friend

Just now, I miss my friend Misha! It's been a while since the last time I've seen her. I am pretty sure she's enjoying her stay with her family. Well, who doesn't want to be with family! I'm happy for her and I feel sad at the same time because there is possibility that she might decide to live there for good. Thinking of her leaving me and Jessa makes me sad. We were a good team, always together, even though sometimes she left for couple days to visit her family. I understand her because if my family would be nearby, I would do the same. But I just cannot get used to the idea that she might leave us for good soon. I will definitely miss her once she leaves us forever, because even now while writing this blog I keep on taking about her. I really miss her! I just hope she's ok and enjoys life. All I want is the best for her and for her entire family!

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Time checked! It's 2:05 am here already. I couldn't sleep, and instead of doing nothing I finally decided to wash all my dirty clothes. My back is aching right now but I'm happy I have no dirty clothes anymore. Everything is clean. All I have to do now is just to wait until my clothes are dry and I can finally wear them. It's funny because my friend asked me what I did eat ealier so that I am so full of energy right now when cleaning our place. Well My answer is?.. I had a apple and junk foods earlier. This makes me energetic. Just kidding! Honestly I hate staying at a dirty place. That's why I clean our place whenever I can. My friends don't clean our place, they always wait until I do it. I don't complain cleaning our apartment because I live here too and I like living in a clean place.

Friday, October 9, 2015

ATM card

I am really sleepy but I can't let myself fall asleep. I need to stay awake at least until 6 am so I can sleep until afternoon. That's because I have to go to Manila later to get my ATM at my cousin's place. I can go to Manila anytime but  my cousin is working in SM Mall and for sure she wont be out until 7pm or so. I hate waiting that's why I decided I go just in time when she's about to go out from work.

Why does my cousin have my ATM card? That's a bit complex to explain. I wish I could keep my card without  touching the money that I've deposited there. But I cannot trust myself! When I have my ATM card, I can't stop myself from withdrawing and spending it for things that aren't useful at all. That's why I let my cousin keep my card for me so that whenever I have money I would just deposit it to my card and not be able to touch it. Well, my advice for you if you have an ATM card with money and you are a spender who cannot stop yourself on spending your money, you gotta have to let one of your family hold you card. But don't tell them the password so they couldn't touch it!

And why do I need my ATM card now? I've used all my money for my trip to my province. So the account is nearly empty and the bank is about to close the account. Since I have lost my job, I haven't put money in the account since a while, and I need to fix this ...


I have no clothes to wear anymore. Most of my clothes are dirty and I have to wash them. I swear tomorrow when I wake up, I'll wash it all. I hope it won't rain tomorrow so I can dry it all.

I'm lazy: I just don't like to wash clothes when the weather is not really good. I need to wash clothes by hand since I don't have a machine. Once done, make sure the sun comes up and shines to the area where you are going to hang your clothes so that they won't smells bad. Well I am not worried about clothes to wear, when they are all dirty, then I just wash those that I want to wear next, until I am able to wash and dry off the rest of the laundry. I've been in that situation many times, sometimes because I was too lazy to wash my dirty clothes. When I realized that I have no clothes to wear I'll just pick one of my favorite clothes to wear and wash it  and then place it in front of a fan. Problem is solved! And if it smells from the fan, I just put perfume on it. That's it. :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Samsung vs iPhone

The iPhone is for rich people only! Why am I saying this? It's because an iPhone is really expensive at first, and then you have to pay most of the better apps. The only thing I like about the iPhone is the camera which is really good for selfies and video chat. When I had no iPhone I really wanted an iPhone because I thought it is way better than any other brand. But I was wrong. Now I have an iPhone but I'm not very happy with this phone because I couldn't download some apps that I liked because I have to pay for it. Most of the best apps aren't free at all. Maybe I had too high expectations, but I feel a bit disappointed from the iPhone.

Before the iPhone, I had a Samsung Galaxy phone, which is a different system called "Android". In Android, most interesting apps are free to download. The camera was good too but not as good as the iPhone camera, but in general the Samsung phone was great. I was attempted to get a Samsung 6 Edge but I was so curious about the iPhone, so instead of Samsung I choose the iPhone 6. I didn't know at the end I would be disappointed. Next time when I can choose a better cell phone, I would choose Samsung. 

Groto Church

Yesterday afternoon, before I headed back home, I asked my friend to go with me to Subic Hills. There is a small church in Groto. The legends tell that everything you wish here will come true. It's been twice since I've been to Groto, and the first time I wished to see my mom again. And that happened recently: I found my mom again. That's why I believe in those legends about this church. I love going there whenever I can because the place is very peaceful and you can just pray alone without being disturbed. There's not a lot of people on a regular day, and I like this. I am not a strict sunday-church-follower, I sometimes go to church even if it's not sunday. As long as I can pray, it's ok with me going to church any days.

If ever you are curious about the church why not check it out? It s just easy to find in subic hills and the church name is Groto. You would like it there, it's on the top of a mountain where you have a great view of the surroundings. Next time I'll go there, I'll try to take pictures of the view near the church.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Cellphones and crushes

My first cell phone was a Nokia 1100. My cousin gave it to me. I remember when I received that cell phone I was really happy because it gave me the opportunity to text to my crush at that time. But I used it only a couple of months, then somebody stole it from me. Years passed before I got a new one again. This time, it was my mom who bought me the cell phone, again a Nokia but I've forgotten what model it was. Happy again to text to my new crush, and then it was again stolen. Life repeats!

The third phone I got for myself was when I worked as a maid and I bought it myself. It was a Cherry Mobile phone and did cost only 800 Peso. My 4th cell phone was a LG brand. It was my ex boyfriend who bought it for me. That was 3 years ago. The 5th cell phone I've got was way better than all those olds phones I had first. It was a Samsung Galaxy Mega and it cost me almost 15K. When I bought the Samsung, I gave the LG phone to my cousin. Last but not the least is the iPhone 6. This is my current phone. It was just a gift from a friend. An iPhone is super expensive, and I wouldn't buy this phone myself. But I'm glad to have this phone, and at least I wasn't the one who spent so much money just have an iPhone.

Trying to draw

If you want something to happen, work for it! Just like me, I was trying to draw Cara Delevingne, but as you can see on my drawing, I failed to draw her. Lol, don't laugh, I know it is not perfect ...

I was trying hard but still I cannot draw her perfectly. I don't know why I can't succeed with her face shape. It's always takes long for me to at least copy almost the angle of the face that I am trying to draw. I am not saying that I'm giving up drawing because it won't gonna happen, the only thing that disappoints me is that I am seriously focussed on making the drawing perfect but still won't get the result that I wanted. But as what other people say: Practice makes perfection. That's what I have to do. As you can see the drawing is unfinished and I might have to stay at least a couple of hours awake to finish the drawing and see if I could get a little resemblance of Cara's face. I almost copied the eyes though. I hope I could draw her perfectly :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


People these days have so much to talk about, gossiping without realizing they're already in trouble. If we have nothing good to say about others, why don't we just shut up and mind our own business? I really don't like it when I am hearing from my neighbor some inappropriate story about someone I know. In particular, if it's not true I feel like shutting them up. I've heard so much gossip and have experience with people who spread gossip when I was living in my province and it wasn't good. It hurts specially when it isn't true at all. One of my biggest problems about living in province is the presence gossipers. That's why everytime I visit my hometown I never stay longer. I hate gossipers as much as I hate when they are trying to talk about me. Everytime I heard them talking about me I pretend to walk by them and they'd shut up. I say nothing but doesn't mean it's ok with me because it will never be ok with me. Well I guess gossipers is just everywhere.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Subic again

I'm going to have a good day today because it's not raining anymore. Yesterday it was raining so hard. Well, I'm here in Subic with my friend Jessa but we will be heading back home later hoping it won't rain later. Jessa's family lives in Subic. I love it here in their home because people are all very nice, have a good sense of humor, and the kids are very fun to play with. The kids aren't shy to me anymore; they even play with me unlike before when they were still too shy when I was nearby. Now they wanted me to play with them. I have more reasons now to come to here with Jessa. Her family are all very friendly, and they are nice to me. In fact I am a godmother to one of Jessas nieces. It feels good to be here because I feel like I am part of their family.

That's why I like to come to here. Whenever Jessa asked me to come with her, I go with her. Jessa's mom is really nice to me and she treats me like her own daughter and in return I treat her back like my own mother. The first time I met them, it wasn't easy for me, because similar as the kids, I was also very shy back then.

Pork Adobo recipe

My homemade of spicy pork adobo Recipe.


1 kg of pork. chopped
3 tbsp cooking oil
1/2 tbsp garlic. crushed
35 grams onion. minced
8 chili pieces chili. chopped
1/2 tbsp brown sugar
2 pcs of tomato. cut
25 ml vinegar
100 ml water
3 pcs laurel leaves
2 grams whole black pepper
2 pcs red bell pepper. cuts


1.Saute garlic and onion in oil. Add pork and continue sauteing until cooked.
2. Pour the water, vinegar, laurel leaves, sugar and pepper.
3. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
4. Add the chili and potato and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the laurel leaves and the red bell pepper and simmer for 5 minutes.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Birthday Gift Part 3

2 days ago I woke up with a gift near my bed. I wasn't expecting that I woud receive a gift from a good friend of mine on that day. I wasn't the one who took the gift from the delivery guy though. I was sleeping peacefully and I didn't even hear the delivery guy knocking at our door. My friend picked it up. And it was good for my sleep that I didn't know about it.

If I only knew I'm going to get a gift on that day I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have slept at all. It's hard for me to sleep when I am expecting something in that very day, I get too excited and it causes me sleepless nights.

When I was younger I never experienced receiving gifts that's why now that I'm older, everytime I recieived something from someone I'm so thankful, It doesn't matter to me how big or small is the gift as long as it cames from the bottom of the heart. It always makes me happy. To recieive gift from somebody is truly wonderful.

Weather problem!

I don't like it when it's raining. It bores the hell out of me! I can't do anything. Even my laundry! I haven't done it yet. I planned to wash my dirty clothes earlier today but it keeps on raining so I didn't touch my clothes. It rains and then it stops only short and then it rains again. Everytime I plan to wash my laundry I always make sure it's a sunny day so I can have my clothes dry without the scents disappearing. If you are living in the province you don't have to worry about drying your laundry: it's pretty easy to dry clothes by hanging it on a cord or string. It doesn't take so long to to dry clothes, in particular when the weather is hot  and a bit windy, because then the air dries the clothes within minutes. But if you are only renting a bed spacer apartment, it can be difficult to dry your clothes in the rainy season. In this case, it would be good if you have a washing machine with a dryer, because then it is so much easier. Well' it just a suggestion! I am lucky I don't need those since I have space for drying my clothes. All I need now is to wash when the weather is good again. Rain, go away!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Birthday thoughts

September 28: Geez ... Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm not even excited about it, knowing I'm another year older again. Honestly, I don't even have birthday feelings: I'm not excited, maybe because I'm alone and I can't do anything at home. I'm sure I'm not the only one having birthday tomorrow, but for me, it's kind of sad because my friends are not here tomorrow.

I didn't expect things could end up like this. There is still one good thing for me: I did meet my mom before my birthday even though she just can't come to my place since she's working. I wish I have my brothers with me but I know it's impossible. Well, who knows, next year I might get the opportunity to celebrate with them on my special day. If I am really alone tomorrow, I'll just eat my cake and watch movies on youtube. I am expecting a little gift from someone, a ferroro rocher, and I hope it arrives exactly on that day. If not, I am happy I have a cake on my birthday. That's enough for me. I don't expect for anything else ...

Thank you to the kind person who sent me the ferrero rocher! And if you greet me on my birthday, thanks too. I appreciated it all!