Saturday, September 26, 2015


It feels good to hear your brothers screaming with happiness. It happens today when I called them and told them I've met our mom already. They were so happy and they wished they could meet mom in real also, and not just by phone call. I told them that one day, when time is right, we can all gather together. I explained to my other brother Nicko that mother is working as a maid.

We are a broken family as my mom and my father separated. Just yesterday, my brother had asked me whether I think mom is ok. Now I could confirm, yes she's ok. My brother wanted to help mom even a little. He told me even though our mom left us years ago for someone else, he wants us all to help our mom. His reason is that if it's not because of mom we all wouldn't be here in this world. Hence, as her children, we are inclined to help her and to help each other. I told him not to worry! As the eldest I know my obligation. We will help mom and support her with her current plan. My brothers are very caring and they have accepted mom without thinking about the mistakes she had done before. I know no one to blames about the past since my dad made mistakes too. We have to start over again.

Pork Kaldereta Recipe

My pork Kaldereta Recipe


1 kg of pork chopped on how you want it.
1 can tomato sauce
2 medium red bell pepper, sliced
2 medium green bell pepper, sliced
2 medium potatoes, cut into large cubes
2 medium carrots,sliced
1 medium yellow onion, sliced
2 tbsp minced garlic
1/2 liver spread
3 tbsp cooking oil
 salt and pepper to taste


1. Heat the oil in a cooking pot.
2. Saute the garlic and onion.
3  Add the pork. Stir and cook for five minutes.
4. Add in the tomato sauce, let boil. Cover and simmer for 60 minutes.
5  Add the liver spread. Stir and cook for 3 minutes.
6. Put in the carrots and potatoes. Cover and cook for 8 to 10 minutes.
7. Add the olives oil if you have olives, and bell peppers. Cover and cook for 8 minutes.
8. Add salt and pepper to taste.

As you can see there's no olives oil in the photo but you can add olives oil in it as by your choices..

Scared by ghosts

Today, it is raining here at my place and the power sunddenly went off while I was writing blogs. Too bad for me and it's also too hot even it's raining. Now I'm trying to write blogs on my phone and I will have to copy&paste it later. Oh now the power is back! But the wifi is not working yet! I will have to wait for a few minutes and for sure it will work!

The good thing is: everytime we have a brownout in my place the power is back in just half an hour. Well sometimes it takes longer like couple of hours but most of the time it comes back in just a short while. I really don't like being alone during a brownout at night. It scares me because of the ghosts. I know there are people who don't believe in ghosts and who laugh at all that. But I hate being left alone in a dark place because I'm a coward person sometimes when I am alone. I avoid to watch scary movies too because that's another thing that makes be fearing of dark and it doesn't go away from my mind. I know sometimes I'm the only one scaring myself.

Here in my apartment I started getting scared when one of my friends told me she saw here something and she felt it was a ghost. I wasn't scared before that even when I was alone, but now that she said that, I can't be alone anymore. That's why whenever my friends leave I always ask for one of my friend's daughter to stay with me since we live in the same compound. Huhuhu, ghost exist, believe me!

Friday, September 25, 2015

My chicken curry recipe

My homemade chicken curry recipe!

2.2 lbs of chicken cut into serving pieces
   2  big potato chopped
   2  big carrots chopped

1/2 Tbsp small cuts garlic
   2 small cuts red bell pepper
   2 Tbsp fish sauce
1/2 coconut milk
   3 Tbsp curry powder
   2 Thumb ginger cut into strips
1/2 cup water


1. Put 2 spoons of cooking oil in the pan
2  Saute the garlic,onion and ginger
3 Add the chicken, fish sauce and curry powder
4 Add the water and simmer until the chicken is tender
5 Put in the carrots and potato then simmer for 5 minutes
6 Add the green and red bell pepper and put in the coconut milk, mix well and simmer for 5 minutes

Birthday Gift Part 2

God never failed to make my wish come true! I had wished to see my mom on my bday. And yes it happened yesterday I saw her even it's not my birthday yet. Seeing my mother is everything to me! I was so happy yesterday that I had finally met her again after I've waited for so long. I had tears in my eyes yesterday the first time I saw my mother. She was a bit skinny; I guess it was because of too much work. I had always thought of my mom as a hard working mother. It was really great that I've seen her and she's ok. I have nothing to worry about her now, we can also talk whenever we want and see each other in real once in a while. I want to have quality time with my mom to talk about what she had been doing back in the province she went. She didn't tell me much yet, but I will try to call her whenever she's free to ask her things. Right now everything is so perfect, I know where she is and we can see each other and talk with each other. I am so happy that she's just out there and she's ok, and my wish is granted.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


It was really a tiring day for me when I went to Subic and same day I headed back home. I wasn't expecting that the christening party would bore me. After church we went to a resort in Olongapo for the christening venue. Everybody went for swimming, for food and for singing since there was a karaoke. It was certainly fun for those who enjoyed those kind of activities, but I myself was too tired. I was so sleepy. Well I'm not really into it: I hate swimming and I cannot sing! I told to my friends I don't want to go but my friend persuaded me to come with them. So I did, even though Subic is kind of boring for me. I would be enjoying if I'd go to Subic for jet skiing. This is more fun than just swimming in the pool. I love jet ski and I feel so cool driving it, I can't drive a motor bike that's why I like jet skiing since it's easier. I did it in Boracay once and in Subic for a couple of times. Its kinda expensive though that's why I  haven't driving one for nine months now. Another thing I liked in Subic is that it's not really polluted unlike Manila. Subic is already a province that's why the air is fresh ... Well, that's all I can say about Subic.

Birthday gift

If I were to choose what birthday gift to have I would choose to have my mom with me on my birthday...

I really do miss my mom. It's been so long that I haven't seen her. I experienced many birthdays without her, and my next birthday is coming this 29th. Well, it would be great if she could see me even if it's not my birthday. I have many plans what we could do together: I would take her out for a date with me, eat, buy her something I afford to give to her, go home to the province together to visit my brothers, etc. I have a lot of things in mind to do if I see her again. I have many dreams what to do when she is here. I really do miss her and I am worried because I don't know where she's at and I don't know if she's ok. We did not have contact for long time. I am really a daughter longing for a mother presence. We'll it's not too late to hope I still have a week to wait for her to come if not I hope she could still remember that it's her daughter birthday ...

Ohhh ... I just heard my mom is in Manila ... I need to go to Manila ... I will find her! If I find her, that will be my best birthday gift!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Geez, I haven't sleep yet! I will be like a dead goat later while on the road! Yeah, on the road! Because I and my friends are going to Subic to attend the Christening of one of my friend's sister.

I have a bunch of godchildren, to be precise: I am nine times godmom. Sometimes it makes me worried because Christmas is very soon and being a godmom is a big responsibility, in particular at Christmas time. You know why, hahaha! But they live far from where I live: eight of my godchildren live in my province. When asked to become godmom, I can't say no because it is considered bad style if I say no. Hence I always accept whenever somebody make me as a godmother to their child. Well it is not such a big deal having a bunch of godchildren, it just sometimes makes me sad when I'm not able to give them many gifts. But they do understand that I am away. Still I always love to hear from them, and sometimes, when I go home to province, I can see them and even give them a little gift even if it's late.They smile and thank me, and it is the best thing for me that I feel I make them happy. I guess I'm blessed having them all and I'm looking forward to have more. Well, three more, then it is a dozen, and then I guess nobody would mind if I say no, since 12 is enough! Hahaha!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Guess what? I went out last night with my friends to our hang out place and I've always seen this dude every time I am there. He is a DJ, sometimes I say hi to him just to be friendly but in fact we are not good friends. It seems he wasn't contended with my occasional “Hi”, maybe he expected anything else. Sometimes he is in conversation with his friends or coworkers, then I prefer to skip the greeting in order not to interrupt him, sometimes I focus on talking to my own friends instead of him. When he is busy, it is anyway not easy to talk to him as we are not at the same wave length and don't really have much to say to each other. I don't want to feel like a loser when I don't understand what he is talking to others.

Anyway, most of the time, we don't talk much and we don't greet each other every time. The bad thing is that he took that seriously and started posting inappropriate status messages in facebook saying that I was snobbish. He also said many other bad words that I don't want to repeat here, and nothing of what he wrote on facebook about me is true. I feel bad and sad at the same time because I didn't expect him to be that way, it is like he is a loser who tries to pull me down like I was really a bad person.

Honestly I do hate rejection that's why I don't talk easily to everybody at the first place, unless the other person is really well known to me and it is easy to have a good conversation with them. I am friendly to those who ain't plastic. The reason why I don't easily greet people in public is because I been in a situation before which I greeted someone I know but then she ignored me in front of everyone and I felt so embarrassed that I couldn't look at people eyes while living the place. I wasn't going to take it seriously but then many people looking at me and saw being ignored. I've learned my lesson way back then ...

Elementary school

When I was in elementary school I always had hard time. I had always only average grades in my MAPEH (music/arts/physical education/health) subject and even once failed. The main reason why I had low grades in that subject was that I was too shy to speak in front of the class. I never participated in dancing classes and exercise lessons. My body was like a statue because I was too shy. Besides I didn't know how to dance. I tried to practice with my classmates once but I couldn't follow the steps and I felt embarassed. I had no confidence in myself back then. Sometimes I skipped my classes just to avoid my MAPEH subject. I know it was crazy that I did skip classes because of one subject. I felt being bullied by my classmates, and sometimes I felt like I want to stop going to school at all. But I didn't stop school.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Self control when window shopping

One of my friends asked me earlier to come with her to SM Mall as she was getting something for her niece so I did go with her. While we were walking around and passed by a shoe store, some pretty shoes caught my eyes. I tried them on. I'd really like to have them but I couldn't, for financial reasons. I was disappointed but at the same a bit happy because I got to try them how they look on me.

Similar situations happened to me many times. One time I was with my cousins Bryan and Venus. We went to MAO (Mall of Asia) for a window shopping when I suddenly saw a tank top in a boutique. I'd really like to get that yet I didn't have enough money with me. My cousins noticed that I was so excited about that tank top. Next time I went out with my cousins they teased me all the time by telling me to stop looking in any store when I don't have money. It was kind of funny with them. Well it's not new to me when I don't have enough money and see items that catch my eyes. I get too excited and can be disappointed at the same time but I always make sure I get over it in just a days. If you cannot handle such situations, you better not to go to the mall even when your friends ask you to accompany them!


Some people from my facebook page have been asking me through messages why I always wear jeans all of the time. The reason why I always wear jeans in most photos or whenever I'm going out with friends is because I don't have skirts or shorts to wear. I don't have them simply because I don't even want to try to buy those kind of clothes. I am not comfortable to wear that kind of outfit, and I don't want to waste my money on clothes unless I am perfectly comfortable with the clothes.

I love jeans because you can always wear them everywhere anytime. Jeans are universal clothes. Everytime I plan to shop whenever I have extra money I always go for jeans. Unlike skirts or shorts, buying jeans is a safe bet for me. It could never be a waste of money. Maybe if I have skirts, I could wear them at home but not in public outside. That is my fashion style. Just be wise when buying items: make sure it's useful to you!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My future

Sometimes I dream about my future. What will happen to me? Where do I want to be in the future? What do I like to do in the future? Maybe not everything will come true, but here are my thoughts about my future:

In the next 10 years I want to become successful in life. I love art and I think I have a talent in painting and drawing, hence I want to become a professional artist and expand my knowledge in drawing. Maybe one day I even can make money for living from my drawings. Maybe I build a tattoo shop with my drawing skills, or maybe I paint and have my very own gallery. Nothing is impossible if you are dedicated to what you are doing. Life changes, and all you have to do is to be creative and passionate about what you are doing, and with art, little by little, my art will improve over time. I do believe that talent is one of the keys to success. Well for me, I'd love to become successful so that I can help other people in needs. I imagine that with success, life will be easier, I don't need to worry anymore about the daily survival, no stress, just happiness. That's where I want to be in 10 years.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thoughts about music

What would life be without music? Life without music would be no fun and boring! Can you imagine if music would not exist, there would be no dancers you idolized, there would be no DJ, there would be no bars etc. Music is everywhere! Life would be a big pain without music. There would be no rihanna you adore and all the other singers you idolized if music would not exist. We couldn't go in a bar or cafe to enjoy if there's no music and I don't think we would to chill at home if there's no music. Just like me since I stays in my home alot I would go crazy if I would have no music to hear. That's why music is everything to us it would be hell if we have no music.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


The Philippines presidential election is very soon. Without surprise, all these Politicians act like a real politician only at times when an election is coming. Between elections, you cannot find them and you feel like they are doing nothing. Isn't it crazy and shameful that they act so late while too many people are suffering from many crisis, sometimes from crises that were even caused by those politicians. If I were a politician, I would have kept my election promises and I would have done so much for my country and for my people. But I guess all politicians are way to greedy. They only do their parts when they are campaigning but when election is done every promises they made is forgotten while they are sitting in their throne and do nothing.

I know there are some good politicians too, and I want to say to those who take their political job serious: "I hope you won't change so that people will keep you in office". But for all the bad politician, I will not bemoan if they are gone.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


So I've cooked Pork Kaldereta earlier for lunch. I was really sleepy that time when I was cooking. I guess that's the reason why I didn't appreciate the taste of the food when was eating, even though I was really hungry. Later when I ate it for my dinner, it tasted good. I am happy with the result even though the ingredients were not complete.

Next time I'll make sure all ingredients are perfect. My advice to those who don't know how to cook: if you are not sure where to start and how to do it exactly, go to youtube! That's what I did earlier. It's really easy, all you need to do is to follow how it is in the video and you have to make sure how to put together the exact ingredients for the food. I am looking forward to cook chicken curry next time!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Eat Bulaga!

Do you know AlDub? AlDub is the contraction of the names of Aldren Richards and Yaya Dub, and they are the leading couple of the Eat Bulaga show. Aldren Richards is his real name, but Yaya Dub is a mock name because Yaya is a Dubsmash queen played by actress Maine Mendoza. Dubsmash is a service on the internet to make videos with other people's funny voice, and Yaya uses this during the show a lot. The show is a huge success in the Philippines, but I do not really know why.

I myself like the show a lot. Here are my reasons: AlDub is a cute couple that have a remote relationship, that means, they have never met in person yet. It is exciting to imagine what would happen next and when they would finally meet. The show is a comedy, and I always laugh a lot when watching the show. Alden is very charming, and Yaya is an everyday women just like myself. I can feel with them what they go through in the show.


“Friendship” by Esellee (Creative Commons license)
When you have good friends that really care for you and try to stick besides you and you treat them like nothing, then later you'll realized you lost true friends. Learn to be a respecful and be a good friend to them because otherwise, one day they might get tired with you! And don't wait for it to come so far! Act before it's too late and before you need to say "I lost a good friend that really cares for me". Don't just start arguments with them and don't annoy them with your moods! Always remember that your friends will be there quicker than your family especially if you and your friends are living under the same roof!

Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life. You're blessed having your good friends around you! It's not important that you have a large number of fake friends; it is more important that you value each others true friendship!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Gamer suggestion

Are you a gamer? If so I have a game suggestion for you: Play War of Heroes! Check it out you might like it. I think it is a great game. I have been playing it since last week until now and I don't think I will stop playing this game anytime soon. It is really interesting to play and the good thing about it is that you can play it anywhere on your cellphone or computer as long as you have internet. I think that once you try it you won't want to leave the game.

What attracted me to the game were the characters. All the characters are really cute and strong. Also, there are many quest that make it really interesting to play. Weapons are really great and once you get into higher level you'll become stronger. But don't expect that you'll never gonna lose because losing is just part of the game. Good luck! 


I'm not scared of dying! I do accept the fact that I am halfway there but what scares me is that I don't want to leave my family. All I ever wanted is to grow old along with my brothers. But what can we do when life gets shitty and it feels like life is taken away from you? It is so sad that one day or sooner you're going to leave your loved family. Who knows: this could be this year, next year, any year. We don't know what the future brings.

I just wished I could  go back to my family, back to my life that I had before as a child. No worries about anything. But it is too late as I am grown up and moved out already to support myself. Sometimes life is a bitch and you have to face it, but if life hits me too hard, I sometimes wish I don't exist.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Countries I want to visit someday

Here are the countries that I would love to visit someday.

            South Africa

Friday, September 4, 2015

Ryzza Mae

I like Ryzza Mae. As you certainly know, Ryzza Mae is a little girl of age 10 who has a TV show here in the Philippines. Here are the reasons why I like her show:

The show is very entertaining. Ryzza Mae is cute and very good at making people laugh. She acts very natural. She's not afraid of being a kid and has the guts to make people happy. But when you watch the show you'll be amazed on how professional she ran the show even though she is still a kid. She can act like an adult when necessary.

Children and adults can watch it at the same time. The show is fun for all ages, and that's probably why a lot of people are watching it. The show has high ratings. Ryzza Mae creates a very relaxing atmosphere and you can see different kind of guests in her show everyday.

Make up tricks.

10 way to apply make up.

1. Apply foundation based on your skin tone.
2. Apply concealer to your under-eye circles after foundation.
3. Apply eyeliner to your eyebrows by shading the liner based to the shapes of your eyebrows.
4. Apply the eye shadow on both lid of your eyes.
5. Apply the liquid eyeliner carefully pull it along your eye so you follow the natural curve of your lash line.
6. To make your eyelashes curled and longer simple apply the mascara by wiggling the brush back and forth at the base of your eyelashes.
7. Create a contour  to make your nose look smaller.
8. Apply lip  balm to keep your lipstick from melting.
9. Pick a lipstick according to your choice apply it by shading it onto your lips.
10. Removing make up you just need to use make up removal by shading the cotton onto your whole face patiently and after wash your face and dry it with a clean towel.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Spicy pork Adobo recipes, made by me!

  • 1kg of sliced pork adobo
  • slice of garlic 
  • 1 slice of onion
  • 1 scoop of cooking oil 
  • 3 teaspoons of spicy tomato sauce
  • chili 
  • black pepper 
  • sugar 
  • 3 scoop of vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 3 scoop of soy sauce 
  • 1/2 cup of water 


It seems to me that nowadays the number of evil people has increased and a lot of innocent were killed by the hands of these evil human beings. It happens even in my neighborhood. I don't really understand why they do it and still keep doing it. Why don't these bad people find a decent job and work hard instead of doing bad things to others and keep harming people just to make money. But I don't think people like them will change if it is for them an easy way to make money by killing, kidnapping, stealing or using innocent people. It is all just for money! So sad! Maybe God punishes us with typhoons that we encounter so often, and with any kind of calamities just because we have such bad, evil, wicked people.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Party in Makati

My friends invited me to come with them to Makati last week and so I did. It was my first time to party in Makati. I didn't expected it to be like this: it was difficult but fun.

The first hotel we stayed was at City Garden Makati. Our one night that we stayed there was great: we had soft beds, bath with jacuzzi and all. We were supposed to stay there for the whole week but my friend's boyfriend cancelled the booking for some reason, so by morning we had to move to another hotel. At the end, if I am not mistaken, we have been in four hotels.

That's the only thing I hated about our vacation: always moving to a different hotel. But I must say there are a lot of party places in Makati including Imperial, Time, H&J, ClubHaze, etc. Makati is a good place to party but expensive. Luckily, I didn't have to pay for everything. Thank you to my girl friends for bringing me there. It was all great and we are like sisters always and we have each other back.

10 reasons why to watch Hitman Agent 47

Have you seen the new Hitman movie yet? If not I will give you reasons why you should watch it.
1. The movie isn't boring.
2. The movie has full of action and martial arts.
3. The movie is so much better than the last two Hitman movies that came out years ago.
4. Agent 47 is so ruthless and is capable of defeating all of his enemy.
5. The movie is so cool.
6. Agent 47 is such a wise agent.
7. I also like the part when Katja (actor Hannah Ware) untied herself from a chair before it was too late. 
8. Every characters had the ability to fight strongly.
9. There's probably a part 2. Hence you must see part 1 now.
10. I found Agent 47 (actor Rupert Friend) charming.

That's just my opinon. Now go and watch it yourself!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Do you know what a shisha is?

Shisha is a syrupy tobacco mix with molasses and vegetable, glycerol as moisturizer and specific flavors added to it. It smells good unlike a cigarette. I don't smoke but the first time I tried shisha I liked it: it wasn't stinky; in fact it smelled like juice and it came in different flavors of fruits. The only thing you have to be careful about is when it is your first time smoking shisha it could make you high. If you smoke it all the way it could make you loose your energy. It happened to me before and I end up sleeping on the couch. But the best time to smoke shisha is when you are partying with friends and it can relax you from boredom.

By the way, this nice picture of a shisha was created by Barun khanal licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 license. Thanks for this nice picture!


Have any of you heard about the TV series 'Revenge'? If not, well, you should check it out. You might like to watch it on your free day. Just like me! It's funny because the first season had started four years ago. I must say the show is great. It is the story of betrayal and revenge. I like the character of Emily Vancamp as Emily Thorne. She was a little girl when her father was framed by the Grayson family and now she returned to the Hamptons as an adult to get revenge on those who did wrong to her and her father. I like it how she has turned into a strong woman and has guts to beat even guys. This show is great.