Thursday, September 7, 2017

Trying to go to Samar

It seems that the Van-van tours and Duptours are fully booked. Those two are the names of transportation companies that offer routes around Eastern Samar. I think it is because today is the Fiesta in Borongan City. Boronganon people are celebrating their Fiesta today and tomorrow. Those who have relatives here in Tacloban are probably travelling back home to Borongan to participate in the Fiesta and be with their family during the special occasion.

I can see lots of people waiting here at the terminal, most of them are going to Borongan. Even though I am not going to Borongan, I am one of them who tries to get on a van. I will stop in my hometown Hernani. I will go back on Saturday morning so that I can attend my afternoon class. Right now I'm here along with passengers bound for Borongan. Anyway happy Fiesta Borongan!

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