Friday, September 22, 2017

Bad Time for Laundry

My laundry will not get dry because of this heavy rain. I wasn't expecting that the weather would turned out this way. If I knew it would stay raining, then I wouldn't have washed my dirty clothes. I should have waited another day. Well, it's not that I don't have clothes to wear anymore, I'm just not happy that my clothes won't get dry in one day. I think I will go back to the city with an empty bag because I have no clothes to bring back with me tomorrow.

Maybe there will be no classes in management tomorrow since we just had our pre-finals. I will have to confirm first, so that I don't need to come back if not needed. It's just too cold right now, I feel the need to cover up myself with my blanket. I wish there is bonfire here, then I can just sit beside and warm up myself.

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