Saturday, September 9, 2017


I enjoyed watching Sayawit 2017 here in Hernani, Eastern Samar, along with my brothers and cousins. They are with me whenever I come to watch a contest. It is always more fun to watch together with my squad. My brother has a motorbike, which is a big help for us. We don't depend on public transportation, still we are able to get home on time. When my brother is not around, we don't have a choice but to wait for a tricycle to drive us to the place we are going to.

Tonight, my cousin, ate Dolly, was around to give us a free ride. My brother Nikko was also here to take us to the place where the show was being held, although he didn't wait for us until the show ends. It was my cousin's motorbike that we used, the driver was my younger brother. We were five in the group. So, two people came home first, then my younger brother came back to get us.

Sayawit is a dancing contest. It was very entertaining, I love watching all those contestants performed. They are all amazing!

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