Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Scary experience of my brother

My brother called me the other day. He told me what had happened to him down in the deep ocean while fishing. He passed out while he was under the deep water. He felt like his surroundings went all dark. Two guys that work with him saved him. They told him that he wasn't opening his eyes, he looked dead already. They brought him out of the water and that was how he got back to his sense.

I was so scared when he was telling me the whole story. We might now get along sometimes, but I love my brother. I never want him to be in that situation ever again. My brother's job as a fishermen is difficult. He dives deep in the ocean all of the time. He has been doing this job for years now. My brother is used to this job, but accidents can happen anytime. I just hope this will never happen to him again. I told him to always be careful whenever he goes fishing.

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