Friday, September 15, 2017

Happy Fiesta, Hernani

Today is the actual date of the Fiesta here in Hernani. All the fun nights before were just leading toward this event. At the end of this day, the Fiesta here will be over. Classes will be back to normal, some students will be happy that they are finally going back to school. But I'm sure some are not so happy that school is back this coming Monday.

Anyway those who have friends here in Hernani can visit their house and eat there. Today is eating day for all Hernani people, as well for all the visitors that came all the way here for the Fiesta. I myself am just going to attend the mass. I did not come here for the eating. In fact, my house is located 3 brgys from here, in Brgy. Batang. The people of our village come to central Hernani for the Fiesta, but in fact Batang also has its own Fiesta to celebrate each year.


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