Sunday, September 3, 2017

Life of a Farmer

Life as a farmer is hard. I know this since I have done it several times, like catching shrimp in a narrow river and cutting logs, walking through the high mountain for an hour, climbing on coconut trees. I can understand that it is really difficult to be a farmer like my father.

Since I was a kid, my father worked on a farm just to provide for us. He did everything for us. I can remember how he would go fishing just so I could have something to eat during my high school days. My mom and dad were still together when I was in the middle of my 8th grade. I stopped when they parted ways. My dad continued farming even when my mom left us. He never told me to stop my studies. It was my own decision, because my family went through a hard time those years, and I knew he wasn't making enough money that time. My dad is the bravest person I know. He never gave up to life even though life got tougher.

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