Thursday, September 21, 2017

My first oil painting

I finally finished my first oil painting. As you can see on the picture the size of the painting is tiny, but it took me one day to paint it. I could have done it in half a day, but I needed a break in the middle as my back was hurting.

Okay, since it is my first oil painting, it is painted by numbers. I did not invent this motive myself. You might see that the butterfly on the left side is not properly painted. It was really hard to apply the paint on every line of that butterfly. But it's the only part that went bad. I think the remaining of the painting is ok. The painting would be perfect if I had painted the butterfly correctly.

My experience with oil painting: it is fairly difficult even all I did was to apply paint on every number. That's why painting oil is called the highest art of painting. It is even more difficult to invent the motive while painting with oil. But after I finished painting, I started to appreciate my work. I don't mind painting more in the future. It was fun, and I will always love the outcome of my work no matter what.

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