Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sayawit & Hernani Fiesta

Sayawit is a combination of the words Sayaw and Awit which means "Sing and Dance". Sayawit happens every year. This contest is just one of many shows that the municipality of Hernani has to offer during the upcoming Fiesta.

The Fiesta here in Hernani will be on September 14 to 15. I am excited for it to come. There will be a contest or show every night until then. On the 13th of September will be "Battle of Bands" contest at the big gymnasium of Hernani.

Since the 12th is Tuesday, I will be free on that day, but I don't think I can come home. I'll see by then. I still have 3 days to decide. A Fiesta is really fun, last but not least thanks to the guests and Balikbayans (people working abroad). They help their hometown by sponsoring all the contests and shows until the actual Fiesta comes. We must thank them for their generosity!

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