Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I am a lazy workaholic

When I'm home in Samar, I do lots of useful things: I wash clothes, I clean the entire house, even clean the front and the back yard as well. In Samar, I never get tired doing household chores, but I am very lazy when I am at my boarding house. I barely move, I don't do much even when I have no classes. All I do is lay in bed, which isn't good.

I don't know why I'm too lazy when I'm living alone. I'm more human when I'm with other people, maybe because I don't want them to think of me as a lazy person. Whenever I'm home, I make sure I do my part of the house. But I don't cook, because that's always my cousin's job. I'm not that good at cooking, still I know a few recipes the cook.

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