Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pre-finals are done

Thanks God! The pre-finals are over for me. I'm done with all exams. I feel so relieved now. It was a lot of stress, but it's over! Although I haven't figured out whether I failed or not this time. Our teachers didn't discuss our scores yet. I think by next week they will tell us the results.

One exam done, the next is coming soon. Next, I am worried about the finals. I have to do my best just so I can pass both subjects. Finals are the most important exams in a semester. If you failed in your previous examination, you can still make it up with better results in the finals, so you will be able to balance your failed exams. I don't want to lose hope. I know I won't have the best grades because this semester's subjects are difficult, but I hope I will pass, so that I don't have to repeat the semester again. I'm already 24. I think it is best if I finished by the age of 25.  Although it doesn't matter how old you are in school, I just feel the need to finish college next year. I don't want to get old studying forever.

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