Friday, September 22, 2017

Bad Time for Laundry

My laundry will not get dry because of this heavy rain. I wasn't expecting that the weather would turned out this way. If I knew it would stay raining, then I wouldn't have washed my dirty clothes. I should have waited another day. Well, it's not that I don't have clothes to wear anymore, I'm just not happy that my clothes won't get dry in one day. I think I will go back to the city with an empty bag because I have no clothes to bring back with me tomorrow.

Maybe there will be no classes in management tomorrow since we just had our pre-finals. I will have to confirm first, so that I don't need to come back if not needed. It's just too cold right now, I feel the need to cover up myself with my blanket. I wish there is bonfire here, then I can just sit beside and warm up myself.

Relationship drama in the province

Donnabelle lived in the same Brgy. as I do. Yesterday she got killed by her own boyfriend because of jealousy. She was killed in Tacloban around 10am yesterday. She was stabbed 12 times all over her body. The boyfriend tried to kill himself as well. He tried to stab himself after realizing what he had done to his Girlfriend. He was found lying beside his girlfriend's lifeless body. But he was still alive when they found him and brought to the nearby hospital.

I can't believe what has happened to her. She and her brother are the only family members left since their parents died in Typhoon Yolanda. Now her brother is all alone. This is sad. I hope the guy who killed her will pay for the crime he did for the rest of his life. It was a cruel relationship drama.

Donnabelle, I hope you can rest in peace!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

My first oil painting

I finally finished my first oil painting. As you can see on the picture the size of the painting is tiny, but it took me one day to paint it. I could have done it in half a day, but I needed a break in the middle as my back was hurting.

Okay, since it is my first oil painting, it is painted by numbers. I did not invent this motive myself. You might see that the butterfly on the left side is not properly painted. It was really hard to apply the paint on every line of that butterfly. But it's the only part that went bad. I think the remaining of the painting is ok. The painting would be perfect if I had painted the butterfly correctly.

My experience with oil painting: it is fairly difficult even all I did was to apply paint on every number. That's why painting oil is called the highest art of painting. It is even more difficult to invent the motive while painting with oil. But after I finished painting, I started to appreciate my work. I don't mind painting more in the future. It was fun, and I will always love the outcome of my work no matter what.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Pre-finals are done

Thanks God! The pre-finals are over for me. I'm done with all exams. I feel so relieved now. It was a lot of stress, but it's over! Although I haven't figured out whether I failed or not this time. Our teachers didn't discuss our scores yet. I think by next week they will tell us the results.

One exam done, the next is coming soon. Next, I am worried about the finals. I have to do my best just so I can pass both subjects. Finals are the most important exams in a semester. If you failed in your previous examination, you can still make it up with better results in the finals, so you will be able to balance your failed exams. I don't want to lose hope. I know I won't have the best grades because this semester's subjects are difficult, but I hope I will pass, so that I don't have to repeat the semester again. I'm already 24. I think it is best if I finished by the age of 25.  Although it doesn't matter how old you are in school, I just feel the need to finish college next year. I don't want to get old studying forever.

Travel and Birthday

Exciting times are coming. Soon is semeter break and I am going to travel again. I can't wait for that day to come. I'm just so excited. I will visit 3 countries this time. This is certainly an expensive travel, but luckily all the expenses are paid for me already. The travel is organized by a kindhearted person I've known for years already. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be able to experience all the good things I'm experiencing now. I'm forever grateful for everything he has done for me.

But before I travel, I will have my birthday first, this end of the month. I'm not sure what to do on my birthday, although I've promised my family and friends from Samar that I will have a little party. That means eating on the beach, some drinks (including a bit of alcohol) and enjoying the view of Panay Beach. Party is no fun without aclohol! I think I can no longer break the promise I've made. So, this is now the plan for my birthday.

Good Day

Good morning! I just woke up from a very long sleep. I didn't have much sleep the other night, but now I am fully recharged. I feel so much better than the previous morning. I hope everyone is having a good time enjoying this beautiful day.

Christmas is coming. The Christmas time in the Philippines starts in September. People around here are playing Christmas songs already. I think they can't wait for Christmas day to come. Honestly, it sounds good to hear Christmas songs these days. I wonder what my Christmas would be like?  I hope I'm in Samar on Christmas day, because I want to celebrate Christmas and New Year's eve with my family.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good day! Have a blessed day you all!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Scary experience of my brother

My brother called me the other day. He told me what had happened to him down in the deep ocean while fishing. He passed out while he was under the deep water. He felt like his surroundings went all dark. Two guys that work with him saved him. They told him that he wasn't opening his eyes, he looked dead already. They brought him out of the water and that was how he got back to his sense.

I was so scared when he was telling me the whole story. We might now get along sometimes, but I love my brother. I never want him to be in that situation ever again. My brother's job as a fishermen is difficult. He dives deep in the ocean all of the time. He has been doing this job for years now. My brother is used to this job, but accidents can happen anytime. I just hope this will never happen to him again. I told him to always be careful whenever he goes fishing.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Busy Monday

As usual, Monday is always a busy schedule for me. I have to be in school for the whole day, except for lunch breach. I only have two subjects every Monday, but every subject last for 4 hours. I will stay in school for 8 hours. But that's okay because tomorrow is my free day. 

I feel hungry though. I'm used to have no breakfast most of the time, but today I regret that I haven't gotten anything for breakfast. Now my stomach is asking for some pancakes, It's been a while since the last time I had pancakes. I don't usually drink coffee, but pancakes with a cup of coffee from McDonald's would be good right now. It's too late now, I don't have enough time to do it. I'm already inside the school, I can't go out anymore. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Way to Success

Success required sacrifices! Without that, nobody can achieve success in life. I belive that success comes with great responsibilities. If we dream to be successful one day, then we must be willing to sacrifice a lot to reach what we dreamed for. For their dream, some people sacrifice love, others have to be apart from their family just to work harder in another country.

For me, being apart from my family is a hell of a sacrifice. Right now I am happy to be just a student who lives near my family. Working in another country is very hard. My cousin is just experiencing it right now. Those who know how to love or cares for their family will know what I mean.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Happy Fiesta, Hernani

Today is the actual date of the Fiesta here in Hernani. All the fun nights before were just leading toward this event. At the end of this day, the Fiesta here will be over. Classes will be back to normal, some students will be happy that they are finally going back to school. But I'm sure some are not so happy that school is back this coming Monday.

Anyway those who have friends here in Hernani can visit their house and eat there. Today is eating day for all Hernani people, as well for all the visitors that came all the way here for the Fiesta. I myself am just going to attend the mass. I did not come here for the eating. In fact, my house is located 3 brgys from here, in Brgy. Batang. The people of our village come to central Hernani for the Fiesta, but in fact Batang also has its own Fiesta to celebrate each year.


Thursday, September 14, 2017


Pre-finals will be next next week, I have to be prepared before the examination comes. But for now I am in Samar for the Fiesta in Hernani. After that I will go back to the city and be ready for the examination. I must review my notes so that I can answer my test paper. We are not allowed to copy answer from other classmates, because it's already pre-finals. The previous examinations was so difficult already.

When the examination date comes, we will need to sit apart. We are not allowed to sit beside our classmates. The school rules are much stricter than in high school. The head teachers commanded all the teachers to do this set-up. We as a student must follow the instructions, not just for us students but for our instructors sake too. As teachers they must do what are told to them in order not to get expelled from their job.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Battle of Bands!

Just got home from Tacloban! I am now at the gymnasium to watch "The Battle Of Bands". I found out that there will be 6 groups from different provinces to compete tonight. They are already here. I think some of them are really nervous, while the others are just relaxed while waiting for the show to start.

Tonight the winner will take home 20,000 Pesos as cash prize, the second winner will get 15,000 Pesos, and the one will be 10,000 pesos. There is also a consolation prize worth 5,000 pesos each for the losing participants. Each of the vocalists will get an extra 1000 pesos as well.

The show just started minutes after I arrived here in Hernani. I'm thankful that I'm able to watch all the contestants on the stage. I love to watch live bands!  Tonight is the right time for me to watch 6 groups of bands to perform. I have watched live bands in Tacloban during Fiesta and I know how much fun it is to listen to a band performance.

Okay, the first group is in my own opinion not that good. Their performance is plain, the vocalis's voice is not clear, and the 3 songs they played are rather simple. Maybe there was a problem with the microphone. The second group is called "The Trio Band". This one is really good and people are applauding them a lot while on the stage. Trio means they are 3 in the group and they sing really high and on the right tune. I am also one of those who like this group very much. How I wish they win later, but I must not forget about the other contestants. Maybe there will be another good one!

I want to go home

I want to go home to Samar after my school this afternoon. Tomorrow I don't have school until Saturday morning. The reason is that I want to see the Fiesta in Hernani. Tonight will be fun in Hernani because there will be a contest again. The tonight show is called "The Battle of Bands". It must be really nice to watch all the groups perform on the stage.

 I'll be out from school by 5pm. Surely I can still make it to the Duptours Terminal. Duptours Transport travels every hour, and the last trip is between 6 and 7pm. Normally I use Van-van, but their last trip leaves already by 5pm. That's too early for me. If I take the 6pm Duptours ride, I'll be home by 9pm. For sure the contest will start around that time. I really have to go home, or else I will keep thinking about Hernani for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My birthday is coming soon

Last month, I was so excited about my coming birthday. Now that it's already my birth month, and the more my birth date is getting closer, I don't feel the same way as before. I'm no longer excited and I feel unhappy. I don't know why? I should feel grateful that God gaves me another year to live. Well, I am thankful for reaching the 24th year of age. 

But I feel like there's a missing piece of me, I just can't tell what it is. Maybe I feel unhappy, because I will be a year older this month. Where did the years go? I think it's normal for a person to feel that way. Let's say, I'm worried because I'm much older now than I was a few years ago. Well, age is just a number, the most important thing is that the face does not to look older than the age. It's really my birthday soon!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Student life

When some people laugh at you for not being able to answer the question your teacher had ask, don't show them that you're affected. Rather smile, and tell yourself that there will always be next time to show your skills by answering questions. At least you've tried it!

It's natural for a student to be wrong sometimes or to not know the correct answer. That's what learning is about. If you knew everything already, you would not need to learn anymore. We should never laugh at others in school, because none of us is a perfect student. That's why we are in school to learn, and that includes a hundred times of mistakes for a students to make. We should never criticize one another.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

How to avoid depression

Life is sometimes difficult, and many challenges may come at the same time. You face confusion when you need to think of too many things. In that case you'll might end up being depressed.

To avoid this, first focus on the most important challenges. Those are not necessarily the most difficult problems: family is for me the most important priority. Second, allow yourself to have some worryless time to have some fun. Nobody can think of only problems all the time.  Once you try to have fun, you forget about your problems. You can get new energy from having fun. You may feel refreshed afterwards. And maybe some of your problems disappeared magically in the meantime. Always thinking only about problems is a bad habbit, and we all need times with worryless fun.

We are all humans who want happiness. We should never feel alone, therefore we must have friends and family around us to keep us happy in every way of life. Avoid confusion, avoid thinking too much! Just be happy if you have your family near you! That's really important.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Hitman's Bodyguard

Samuel L Jackson and Ryan Reynolds have a good chemistry together. If you know what I'm talking about, then you have probably seen the The Hitman's Bodyguard. They are pretty hilarious in that movie. Salma Hayek did a good job as well, she's really the right one in the movie. At age 50, she's still as sexy as her younger self back in the days. Although I haven't seen much of her older movies, I'm still a fan of her though.

Ryan Reynolds is really the right guy to play an action comedy movie. He makes me laugh so hard in every scene. The movie is really funny, I'm sure you guys will laugh too often while watching the movie. I can say that Hitman's Bodyguard is one of the funniest movie I have ever seen this year.

To those who haven't watched the movie, I suggest you watch it before it's too late. Soon it will be gone from the movie theaters.

Sayawit & Hernani Fiesta

Sayawit is a combination of the words Sayaw and Awit which means "Sing and Dance". Sayawit happens every year. This contest is just one of many shows that the municipality of Hernani has to offer during the upcoming Fiesta.

The Fiesta here in Hernani will be on September 14 to 15. I am excited for it to come. There will be a contest or show every night until then. On the 13th of September will be "Battle of Bands" contest at the big gymnasium of Hernani.

Since the 12th is Tuesday, I will be free on that day, but I don't think I can come home. I'll see by then. I still have 3 days to decide. A Fiesta is really fun, last but not least thanks to the guests and Balikbayans (people working abroad). They help their hometown by sponsoring all the contests and shows until the actual Fiesta comes. We must thank them for their generosity!


I enjoyed watching Sayawit 2017 here in Hernani, Eastern Samar, along with my brothers and cousins. They are with me whenever I come to watch a contest. It is always more fun to watch together with my squad. My brother has a motorbike, which is a big help for us. We don't depend on public transportation, still we are able to get home on time. When my brother is not around, we don't have a choice but to wait for a tricycle to drive us to the place we are going to.

Tonight, my cousin, ate Dolly, was around to give us a free ride. My brother Nikko was also here to take us to the place where the show was being held, although he didn't wait for us until the show ends. It was my cousin's motorbike that we used, the driver was my younger brother. We were five in the group. So, two people came home first, then my younger brother came back to get us.

Sayawit is a dancing contest. It was very entertaining, I love watching all those contestants performed. They are all amazing!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Work in Hernani

I'm always busy when I'm home. This morning I went to the field with my cousins and brother to cut logs for my uncle. We have enough logs to build a backyard fence. My uncle will fix the fence later.

We could have asked other people to collect logs from the mountain, but we didn't want to spend money just to pay for these people. So, I think what we did was right. We have saved some money that we can spend on food instead. Besides going to the mountain is good for us, it's a better exercise, and we got to eat buko. Climbing buko is not a problem when you are in the middle of a mountain. Coconut is everywhere, if you know how to climb then you'll not get thirsty.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Trying to go to Samar

It seems that the Van-van tours and Duptours are fully booked. Those two are the names of transportation companies that offer routes around Eastern Samar. I think it is because today is the Fiesta in Borongan City. Boronganon people are celebrating their Fiesta today and tomorrow. Those who have relatives here in Tacloban are probably travelling back home to Borongan to participate in the Fiesta and be with their family during the special occasion.

I can see lots of people waiting here at the terminal, most of them are going to Borongan. Even though I am not going to Borongan, I am one of them who tries to get on a van. I will stop in my hometown Hernani. I will go back on Saturday morning so that I can attend my afternoon class. Right now I'm here along with passengers bound for Borongan. Anyway happy Fiesta Borongan!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Congratulations to my cousin

I'm congratulating my cousin Mycel for making it to the top five in school this time. She made us all proud for making it this far, I know she's able to maintain her grades until the end of this semester. I'm so happy with what she have achieved during this year. She is one smart kid, just like her brother and sister which are already working.

I know she will be successful in the near future. Once she is done with grade 12, she will proceed to study nursing either in Manila or in Tacloban. That's what her brother promised to her when he left for abroad. My cousin Mycel is such a hard working student, and she's also lucky that there is someone to support her in college. I'm happy for her. She's our future nurse!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I am a lazy workaholic

When I'm home in Samar, I do lots of useful things: I wash clothes, I clean the entire house, even clean the front and the back yard as well. In Samar, I never get tired doing household chores, but I am very lazy when I am at my boarding house. I barely move, I don't do much even when I have no classes. All I do is lay in bed, which isn't good.

I don't know why I'm too lazy when I'm living alone. I'm more human when I'm with other people, maybe because I don't want them to think of me as a lazy person. Whenever I'm home, I make sure I do my part of the house. But I don't cook, because that's always my cousin's job. I'm not that good at cooking, still I know a few recipes the cook.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Coconut climber

I and my cousins did some chitchat and we talked about random things. One topic lead to another until someone looked up to the coconut tree nearby us and sayed: I want to eat Buko.

Nobody knew that I can still climb up any tree, but I was also not too eager to do it. I was quiet for a while, hoping there is someone else who gets us Buko. But no one came or walked by us. So, I decided to give it a try and climbed the coconut tree. I got to the top and took the Buko. On the first climb, I took 3 pieces, on the second climb I took 4. I made everyone happy since they got to eat Buko. They were amazed that I can do that. LOL! But I have learned it as child and I don't have problem climbing trees. I can still do it.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Have a great Sunday morning to all! I'm sure everybody has free today. Malls will be very crowded on Sunday because it is the only the day when everyone isn't busy. Have fun shopping with family guys!

I myself am heading to Samar. I have various things to do when I get home. I want to check if my dad have started to wreck the old kubo house. He told me he'll fix it when he has time, because the kubo was already broken. Even a mild typhoon could ruin the kubo easily, and then, they would not have a place to stay. Better be prepared for what's coming.

I bought some of the material he needs to build the kubo. I can't wait to see the newest kubo house soon. It won't take long for him to build the place because my youngest brother is there to help my dad.

Life of a Farmer

Life as a farmer is hard. I know this since I have done it several times, like catching shrimp in a narrow river and cutting logs, walking through the high mountain for an hour, climbing on coconut trees. I can understand that it is really difficult to be a farmer like my father.

Since I was a kid, my father worked on a farm just to provide for us. He did everything for us. I can remember how he would go fishing just so I could have something to eat during my high school days. My mom and dad were still together when I was in the middle of my 8th grade. I stopped when they parted ways. My dad continued farming even when my mom left us. He never told me to stop my studies. It was my own decision, because my family went through a hard time those years, and I knew he wasn't making enough money that time. My dad is the bravest person I know. He never gave up to life even though life got tougher.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

School again

It's just too hot today! I'm going to school early to cool myself down. Whenever I come early to school, I always go to a vacant room and stay there until my next subject is about to start.

I like to stay in an air conditioned room when the weather is too hot. However, when it's a rainy day, I might feel cold inside an air conditioned room. Sometimes when I am freezing, it doesn't help to listen to the teacher, because my brain is blocked by the coldness in my body. Once I know that the weather is bad, I bring a sweater or jacket to school to warm me up during classes. That's the best way to keep my concentration at school.

Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1st

September 1st it is today. In three months, 2017 will be over and it will be the beginning of another year. How come year goes by too fast, that you won't noticed you haven't done anything best for your life for this whole year.

Anyway we should be happy that Christmas is coming very soon. In the Philippines, the Christmas time starts already in September, and it starts an exciting time. To those who are having birthdays this month, I bet you guys are excited for your big day to come. Because I am! I'll be soon having my birthday. I'm going to be 24 very soon. I'm beyond grateful that my mother gave birth to me in September.

I am very excited for what's coming this month and also next month.