Friday, July 28, 2017

Where did the years go?

Time flies really fast! My brothers are all grown up, and as the eldest sibling, I consider myself mature. But others don't see it in me, they think I am not matured enough as I should be!

10 years ago I was just 14, I remember how I took care of my younger brothers when we were left alone by our parents who had to go to work to provide for our everyday needs. I miss those days when we were all together in one house. Mom and dad were still a good couple. But those happy moments can never happen again. Who would have thought in just one blink, those good times can be gone.

I will be turning 24 this coming September, while my youngest brother will turn 18 next month. Where did the years go? My parents have been apart for 9 years now. They have different families now. My dad just found a new love and they are living together for a month now, while my mom has her own family as well.

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