Saturday, July 8, 2017

Someone cares for me

My cousin in Samar just called me! I was surprised to get a call from her suddenly. I thought she had a very important matter to say to me. But, it turned out that she was only asking how I am. She said she misses me, she asked me when I'll be going back to Samar. I understand how she feels, as we spend most time together in the semester break. It's been two weeks now since I left Samar. I haven't been back since then.

I'm happy to know that there is a relative who is checking on me, in particular after an earthquake. I wish my mom would call me also sometimes. Honestly, I really do miss my mother. But, what can I do after she left us. I accepted that we can no longer go back as close to one another as we were before. But there is a side of me that hopes for her come back. Anyway I'm thankful that my dad, my bothers and all the people dear to me are not really that far from where I am living now. I can come home whenever I want to. That's the good thing!

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