Friday, July 21, 2017

No classes again

We didn't have classes yesterday, so instead of staying in Tacloban, I decided to just go home to Hernani. Classes are still suspended and I'm not sure when things will get back to normal. I will go to Tacloban on Saturday, because we might have classes on that day.

Same thing here in Samar, no electricity! All what you can see at night is darkness. I heard in the radio that the electricity should have been back yesterday, but it seems that was only a joke. There was no electricity yesterday. Next time better not tell everyone about anything that isn't real. We expect and later on get disappointed.

Anyway, 19th to 21st of this month is our preliminary examinations. Without electricity to study, or review, it is going to be difficult. Moving the examination dates to next month will only make everything hard for every single student.

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