Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A good day

No school today, that's right! Yesterday was a bit depressing, but I'm too far to feel that now. Tomorrow I have only one subject in the afternoon. Hence I can relax today, and just do my assignment tomorrow morning.

It's raining, but I can go to the mall with my friend, and I will be safe from the rain. I just got a new umbrella, but I bought it to use against the sun when I go to school. It is not designed to be used against rain, because I forgot that summer is already over, and now it is rainy season already.

Anyway, I'm going to get ready soon. The mall is open now since it is already 11:20am. I'm going to eat, then sit on one of the huge rocks inside the mall. I might stay there until the mall closing time. So, that's it. Have a blessed day to all!

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