Saturday, July 15, 2017

Happy Surprise

When I was young, I've never received chocolates from anybody. But now I do! Well, for couple of years already, I get chocolates on occasions from someone. It makes me happy that I am able to experience what I hadn't experienced before. Receiving chocolates or any present from someone you care, or someone that cares for you, is really amazing. It's the best feeling ever, knowing you're somehow important or special to that person.

I have not counted how many gifts I have already received, but it is plenty. I'm forever grateful for that! I will never forget that someone made me feel that way. Anyway, I shared my chocolates with the people I know dearly. I'm not that greedy when it comes to that, I always shares it with other people when I can. The only chocolate I have left now for myself is the Ferrero Rocher. I want to keep that for a while. I just like to stare at it. Whenever I look at it, I think it's all gold. That's why I like to keep Ferrero Rocher for myself!

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