Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Bad day

What a day! I woke up with sore eyes. Do I really have to encounter sore eyes every year? I remember that last year I dealt with this also. I hate this. I can't even go out. My eyes are hurting. Looks like I cried all night even I did not! Glad it's Thursday though, I have two days to heal my eyes. By Saturday I hope this is gone.

Wish I had a sunglasses with me, then I wouldn't feel embarrassed to go out and buy food. Another thing I'm worried is my apartment rent. I really need to go out so I can withdraw some money for that from the ATM. I tried to withdraw from the ATM yesterday, but both ATMs inside the mall had no money in it. I was getting only receipts. I could've withdrawn money somewhere near my school, but I rely on the ATM at Robinsons Mall. If I cannot go out, I will just talk to the landlady. I'm sure she will understand my reason.

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