Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Things I did today

I don't have classes today, and tomorrow. So, I feel like writing all the things that I did today. I woke up around 7am this morning. I stayed in bed for an hour while browsing my Facebook. After that, I got up and start fixing my bed. Then I cleaned up my room, gathered all my dirty clothes so I can wash them all at once.

It's been more than two weeks since the last time I did my laundry here in Tacloban. When the earthquake occurred, it affected the electricity and the water. That caused lots of other problems! The running water is very slow, and sometimes in the morning there is no even a tear drop of water on the faucet. That's why I wasn't able to shower until noon when the water came back, but today I noticed the water runs perfectly, and the blackout doesn't take long. The power actually come back after two hours of blackout, not bad!

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