Monday, July 3, 2017

Think Wisely

Friendship is hard to build. Like a relationship, once the trust is gone, it will never go back to how it used to be. So, my advice to those who think having the best friendship ever: In a friendship, having different opinions is natural. You wont be real friends if you two don't fight sometimes. But, when you you have a misunderstanding, avoid making the issue worse and never post anything hurtful about each other on social media.

I had been there done that, and I regretted it. I have promised myself not to do any stupid moves again. My friendship with someone dear to me has gone, and that makes me sad whenever I think of it. Now, whenever I and my friend are having some issue. I will just keep silent, and think of a better way to fix the mess. Once I know we have cooled down, that's where I start talking to my friend again. Being silent is better than uttering nonsense words that could lead you to ruin your friendship with someone.

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