Thursday, December 1, 2016

To my readers

Hello everyone around the globe! Hope you all are having a great day, morning or evening. I know my blog is not that super popular, and only few will read this, but it is okay. At least to those who look up on my page and can see this post, I would like to thank you all for viewing my posts. I know my English is not perfect and my ideas what I write in the blog are rather mundane. Forgive me my language mistakes and grammar. I hope someday I can learn a lot more and improve my writing. That's why I do all this: it is English practice for me. Keep in mind that English is not my native language.

Right now I am out of ideas what to write. My brain doesn't cooperate. Sometimes there are many topics that I want to write about, but the problem is, I really don't know where to start. That is my main problem. And even when I'm learning new English words, after few days, they will dissappear from my brain. I forget things easily. So sad!

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