Thursday, December 15, 2016

Small act big change: Rayhak bata - Part 2

Image thanks to RikkisRefuge (CC license)
Two days ago, I wrote about the charity event in my school called Rayhak bata, and that they asked us students to solicite for money in our communities. This was part of the NSTP class.

I'm done with my part of money collection. I'm thankful that I didn't need to solicit my neighbors just so I can donate. I know it isn't bad to seek help from others along the street, but since I haven't done it, I had no guts to do it. Instead, I did ask some internet friends for small help. Thanks to the persons that helped! And it feels good that I am able to help the kids with the money I collected that way. I used 1000 Peso of my own salary, and I collected another 1000 Peso from internet friends. And I hope all the money that the school might be collected will be in good hands including the 2000 Pesos that I gave, and be use for the charity only.

With all the students at my school I expect the school to gather enough money for the charity. It is good that even with the small things we might able to help others on this Christmas day. I know how it feels receiving something from others, in particular how it feels for kids from poor families.

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