Monday, December 12, 2016

Preparing my future

Everytime I see people with stable jobs making good money, and able to provide for all the needs of their families, it motivates me to study harder, even though being in college isn't so easy. I know, before they've reached their positions, they were once simple students just like what I am experiencing now.

I want to be like others too. I want to have a better life in the future. I want to make money by working hard. Self earned money is more valuable than money received from others. Right now, being a student, I depend on others even though writing this blog helps also to earn some money. I want to experience what everyone can. I know I am still at the beginning of the game, but it doesn't mean I have to give up. I need hard work to succeed. I have faith in myself, I know someday I'd get there. It won't be that easy but I am prepared.

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