Friday, December 30, 2016

After Christmas

Christmas is over, and the new year is coming. I wonder what everyone's new years would be like. Maybe a lot of drinking and singing on New Years Eve? And then lots of food! It's going to be a fun night along with families and friends. I just hope there will be no drunken fights then. New year only happens once a year, it should be joyful!

Most people that I know here in my province don't really pay attention to Christmas. New Years Eve however is a big thing. Christmas is just like an ordinary day, if you have no gifts to expect or to give. Sure, we go to church on Christmas day, but we do the same every sunday anyway. Not many would prepare something special, like food, and drinks. Yes, it is Jesus's birthday, and some people value that. Just that some  people here don't really bother cooking special food for Christmas. But when it is New Years Eve, everyone is busy preferring food, drinks, and any other fun stuff.

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