Thursday, March 31, 2016

Batman v Superman

Spoiler review on Batman v Superman: There are not really any surprises anyway to spoil, as most of the movie was given away in the trailers. Action wasn't bad but was almost separate from the movie as most characters lacked depth and all seemed one dimensional except Batman. Ben Affleck was very good. Lex Luther was bothersome. Superman was basically the same as the last movie that I watched. Almost no growth at all unlike Deadpool. Wonder Woman was at least good enough so that I am looking forward to her solo movie. Zac Snyder needs to stop making these movies and pass the torch to someone who can tell a story. Way too much crammed into one movie. Over all, better than I thought after all the bad reviews but certainly a flawed movie and while I didn't love it, I didn't hate it. But I remain a Marvel girl over DC and I am worried about Zac Snyder's next Justice League movies.

Killing yourself?

Just by one major problem you would up end taking your life? How coward of you thinking of that! If you think your life is that miserable, think again! A lot of people are struggling day by day, fighting for their lives in order to survive. There are people battling with different kind of illnesses yet they are still trying to hold on with life. There are lots of people who is starving, living somewhere in street, rooming around in order to find food just to survive, hoping for shelters that they can't afford to have. You see they do not give up no matter what life brings to them. Don't let your weaknesses drag you to the edge where you can no longer get up! Be strong no matter how hard your life could be, there's no room for weak people in this world. Get your ass up and start something interesting! Don't wait for a miracle instead work for it to happen! Do not intend to kill yourself just because of one big trial. We don't own our life but god does. Hence, cherish every bit of it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter days

Pic thanks to abcdz2000 via Flickr (CC license)
Good Friday 2016: Sleepless night! The problem sleeping at someone else's house is that you cannot sleep peacefully like you do at your own home. This is happening to me right now. I am here at my cousin working place since yesterday night. Since then up to now I think I slept for only 5 hours. This is not good for me because I think I need lots of sleep. It's just hard to sleep at a place where you have never been before. Oh well, since I cannot get myself back to sleep I'll just probably think of ideas for my next blog post.

Jeez! It's 1:25 am and I'm the only one awake at this hour here in this house. Such a huge pretty house! My cousin is working here: Her job is to take care of the house. This is not a bad job as she doesn't do so much and her boss is always away. Her boss is a widow and she is not very strict. Lucky for my cousin that she found someone like her as a boss.

Back to what I'll do later: I think I might go to my other cousin Venus to visit her if she's free. I just hope she won't be going to work so I can treat her to TGI Fridays for lunch or something since I still have the gift certificates here with me. This is an opportunity to use it. It's not good to eat alone, hence I prefer to use the certificate with Venus. I guess that's what I will be doing later before I head back home. I was thinking to fix my WiFi contract but I don't think the service center is open later. Probably on Monday it is open again, so now I might write some more blogs first to pay off my debts. Take care everyone and happy holy week!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter time

My Easter isn't so interesting as I didn't follow what everyone's supposed to do for Holy Week. What an inconsiderate brat I am! Another sin to be added to my list of sins. :-)

I haven't been to church for a decade now. I know sooner I will have to go to church for sure. I won't promise when but I know I'll have to do it! Also when it is Holy Thursday and Good Friday, we are supposed to not eat meat and to not shower on good Friday, but I did take a shower anyway. I couldn't stand the summer heat. It is very hot and I cannot sleep longer because of the heat. I guess when I showered I didn't followed the holy rule, but it relieved the heat. No wonder why heatstroke is very common and to avoid it, we must drink a lot of water so that we don't get dehydrated. But back to me: I know it is a sin to not follow the rules. Maybe I'm becoming irresponsible. When I was a little kid. I've had always followed everything that I am told to do and not to do. Things change!

Easter gift

Yesterday was a good day! I was at my friend's apartment and I know it was Holy Week. When I and friends decided to go home to our apartment, the neighbor handed me a box that arrived from postal and said it's mine. I wasn't expecting anything for that day as I'd thought it's just a normal Holy Week. I never thought of receiving a gift on Easter. So I opened the box and I saw candies and chocolates along with the easter eggs toy. My impression was priceless: it made me smile because I felt like I was still a teenager who've got to received something for Easter. I felt like I wasn't an adult that day. I was happy like a little kid. I did forgot that I am already 22 which is older and no reason to having any Easter gift. But still I am grateful that I am experiencing those kind of gestures which I hadn't experienced when I was a little kid. I do believed that it's never too late for everything, hence sometimes I enjoy being treated sweet like a kid, because time was hard 10 years ago when I was really a kid. Sometimes surprises happen when you don't expect it.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Catastrophic world

I do wonder why there is winter and summer? I do wonder why there's low tide and high tide, thunder and lightning, tornado and typhoon and even earthquake? Don't get me wrong, I know the physics, that we have winter and summer due to the tilt of the earth rotation axis towards the sun, and the low and high tide due to the gravitation of the moon which circles around the earth. But I do wonder why there are always people suffering from those. There's a lot of questions that pops in my head right now that I couldn't answer myself. I'm curious with all of these things that is happening to the world, and I see there is always a catastrophy in at least one of many countries right now. Sometimes I get to ask myself, is this god's way for us to be punished? Can you imagine that every disaster that hits us does kill one of our existence. Every disaster that hits us does kill many of us. Just like when the typhoon Haiyan Yollanda stroke the Philippines, thousands of people died. Why do we have to face such cruelty? I don't understand why. Are we that sinful and cannot be forgiven? Why do we live in a world full of catastrophies?


Picture thanks to Nataliia Lytvin
Some people talk so much about other people lives without even figuring out how to live their own life. That is the problem with those gossipers. I don't understand why they even take any effort minding other people business.

To the gossipers: Let me ask you what do you get from gossiping? Does that bring anything good to you? Does that keep you from surviving? Well I guess so, because there you are still living. The problem with you all is when you get confronted you are suddenly silent and don't dare to talk. Know why? Because you know that all what you do is spreading lies, making up untruthful stories just to have some things to talk about the person.

It's funny how some people are. They'd talk bad things about you without even knowing your name. Maybe they think they know a name but what if it's not really your real name? In my opinion I'd rather keep my mouth shut because I'm sure gossiping won't make me successful at the end. It will only get you in trouble, remember: Karma doesn't sleep it is just keeping an eye on you when to have it.

So if you have nothing good to say about someone who isn't bothering your life at all, better to shut up! That is the best thing to do. Don't let your unstoppable tongue mock someone who does nothing to you!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Photo thanks to Alberto G.
Who says being in school is no fun? That's not true! What is more important to you all? Your ego for the next party or to have a DEGREE in college for a better future? Is it just the laziness that's stopping us to go to school?

In the Philippines, there are a lot more conditions that makes us stop to study. Not just lazyness! Family situations could be a reason, if your family needs you at home. It is sometimes not being able to pay for school, it can be the tuition fees or the price for the school dress.

For being a college student, first you need courage, a strong ability to be able to surpass any circumstances. Then you must be able to finance everything that is about school. The school time can be very depressing especially when it comes to paying for something suddenly in school, like fees for a field trip, and you cannot pay it because you have no money in your pocket. Students coming from a poor family, like myself, are often more motivated because we know about the financial burden for our family and we want to become more successful in the future ...

No matter how hard the times are in school, never give up, especially when you have parents to support you for your study. Don't let them down! Instead let them be proud of you surviving school! Don't ever degrade yourself to your family or to anyone that has no faith in your ability to overcome something, to prove something. Be positive and have faith that's what you needed most!

Life is unfair

When you thought everything was going well ... Why is life so difficult? There is a saying that if you work harder for something that you want, you'll have it. But I don't think that's true. Why is that even we try and work hard with something, at the end we still cannot have it? Why is that no matter how much we try to be in a better place, to be a better person, at the end we still fail? Why is that? Why do you we have to suffer for so long? That is so unfair! When nobody wants to be in that situation ... Life can be so disappointing sometimes!

How I wish everything was simple! So that nobody is struggling with their life. But I know that's impossible cause nobody seems to feel that way. Sometimes some people attempt to take their own lives because of too much depression. It's not that they did nothing for their life, it's sometimes because they can't take anymore those disappointments in life. Why life is so unfair? Even those richest people suffered before they had started their empire but that's another way around because they are already at the higher level. But many of the poor who are trying to reach their dreams always fall. At the end they give up because there's no way to continue working on something that you know you'll always get the same result.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Travel suggestion

I'm here to tell you all about a place, a tourist spot in the Philippines that you might like to visit if you decided to travel here to my country. Well this place is not as good as Boracay but I can guarantee you'll love the place if you are an adventurous person.

Inner lake with tiny island viewed from the mountain
The place is called Taal Volcano and is located on the island of Luzon. It is the second most active volcano here in my country with 33 historical eruptions that caused many lives. But don't worry, now the island is safe and there are families living on the Taal Volcano island the last time I visited the island. It is a complex volcano with a lake and an island inside the lake, which again contains a lake and a tiny inner island. Basically an island in a lake in an island in a lake (named lake Taal) in an island (Luzon). Got it? So now I'll tell you what are things that you can do when you visit the Tagaytay area with the lake Taal, which is the outer lake.

First you have take a boat ride on the lake Taal to get to the island. It takes 15 minutes on the boat as I've remember, and you should do it in the morning since the lake's waves are rough in the afternoon. Then you can rent a horse to climb the mountain, or you walk. Once you get to the top of the mountain you'll see the view of the erupted Volcano with sulfide water in it and that you cannot drink the water. You also see the tiny inner island but since the water is poisoned, there is no boat to go to the inner island. 

The horseback riding is very risky yet challenging. I guarantee you'll love it and it's way better than Boracay horseback riding. On the lake Taal are also water activities, jetski and windsurfing and I think there were more. I couldn't try either of those water activity when I visited Tagaytay because there was a professional windsurfing competition and water activities were closed. But for sure everything is there and working when it is summer. So I hope that you take a visit and look around the island ... :)

Friday, March 18, 2016

About a friend

I have something to tell to you all. This is about a friend of mine from Facebook which I've met several times in person. She's quite charming with a lot of tattoos on her body. Well I dislike her tattoos as I am not a fan of tattoo. She is more of a wild girl, she loves to party and to hang around with friends. I won't mention her name as a privacy concerns.

So this is what happened to her last year. I wasn't aware she was doing drugs and that she was addicted to it. One time one of her friends which is also my Facebook friend posted photos of her along with the caption saying she was in barangay hall and she didn't calm down and she lost control of herself. That's all I know. This post went viral on social media, at least among all people in my neighborhood. All the people that are friends with her were shocked about her being addicted to drugs.

The rumors about her stopped.  I haven't heard anything about her since last year. Last month  I was out with friends, I saw her sitting on a table along with her friends. She was looking so well, even gained weight, chubby cheeks. Until now I'm still wondering what she had been doing those past months as she weren't posting anything on Facebook then. My only idea that came up my mind is maybe she went to rehab and she overcome the addiction and is now trying a new life. Good luck to her!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

TV shows

After finishing both seasons 1 and 2 of Hannibal, and seeing episode 1 of the 3rd season, I have decided to stop watching it. It's a fantastic drama with great actors and a great script but it's just too scary and horrible to just keep watching it. In my opinion, it's probably the most horrific thing content-wise to hit the TV screen ...

Now I'm focusing myself on this new TV Show which is the Shannara Chronicles. For me, this TV Show is the best as I am more of a fantasy person. I love fantasy movies, TV show, etc. To those who love to watch fantasy movies or shows you might as well check this show. Sure you'll like it. Plus, the leading man is quite charming and so are the girls. I've been watching the show ever since I found out about it. The show is on season 1 with 10 episodes. I'm looking forward for the next season 2. I just can't wait. I hope this show will have more seasons and episodes.

Right now, I cannot recommend anything except the Shannara Chronicles which is one of many TV shows of 2016. Though the Walking Dead show for me is getting boring since Karl got shot through the eye. It's just disappointing. What's next he'll be dead? I hope not! Because if that happens, sure there would be a lot of people gonna stop watching the show since Karl has been a big part of the show ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bad luck with banana boat

Sunday March 06 2016. I got invited by friends to Subic for a trip. So we headed there straight to my friend house. We rested for a night and we decided to go to the beach by morning around 10am. I was having fun and comfortable talking to everyone, we even played volleyball after a while. Everything was planned: the family would stay overnight at the beach since there were cottage and rooms for everyone. During day time we ate, played volleyball, swim and my friend's family rented a banana boat for everyone.

So here it goes about the banana boating moments: at first I wasn't planning to ride on it, because I prefer jetski. But they got me a banana boat ride and I didn't want to offend anybody so I did it. I got myself a life jacket. It was fun when we were running on the water but when we fall down on water I got banged onto someone's head really bad. The impact was really strong. It hit my left eye. I felt like I was dying. I couldn't even move myself. I was hurt, it was really painful and the side of my eye up to my eyebrow was in pain. I told myself that I will never ride a banana boat again. The guy on the jetski drove me back to the beach so I got off the jetski and run to get ice so I could put it to my eye. I thought it would heal quickly but when I woke up in the morning I had swollen eye. Even now I'm still having this black eye. I couldn't even go out because I'm shy that people would think I got punched on the face. I'm always unlucky. Always ...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Marquee Mall and Gift Certificates

Today I went to the Marquee Mall near by my place to check if the gift certificate sent to me would work. I have this PHP 1000 gift certificate for Gerry's grill. That's where we went in first. I asked one of the staffs if they allow those in their restaurant. She didn't know and went to ask the manager. She came back and told me: "Yes Ma'am we're accepting the certificate. You may order now!" I had these Pork Sinigang and it was so good, while my friend got herself Lumpia Shanghai which was also really good. We had swamp cabbage and ice cream for desert. Wow, I can say Gerry's grill has a lot of good foods.

After we're done eating I asked my friend to accompany me to the supermearket and to go to customer service and ask if they are accepting Sodexo Premium Pass but I was a bit disappointed that it didn't work in Marquee Mall. I wanted to get groceries there and I don't have to spend money transporting to SM Mall but it was too bad that it didn't worked out there. Anyway SM Hypermarket does, just not in Marquee Mall. So next time I know where to go for groceries using Sodexo.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Politicians must live a simple life in order for them to understand the life of the poor and to be credible in their service to the people. They should start changing the life of the poor by not corrupting them, us. Because the majority of the Filipinos are average earner, changes must start from down to up. Politicians must join hand in hand and do there job as quickly as possible. Stop biting each other's neck. If you really love our country then do your job honestly. Vote for the most effective, honest, uncorrupt and who really wants a change. Vote wisely for the better Philippines!

If I were to vote for president I would vote for the only person that's on my head ever since I knew about him. No other than Rodrigo Duterte for president! I believed that he could be a great leader for the Philippines but it will only happen if everyone of us is smart enough to choose who really deserves to be president of this country.

Vietnamese beauty

So I'm a Facebook addict. I admit that and I like random things that catch my eyes. Just how I love fitness models. Every time I see one that is so attractive to me, I will suddenly click the LIKE button. But sometimes it doesn't even need to be a fitness model, sometimes it just needs to be a cute promotional Vietnamese model that is attractive and you'll end up following her. This model is just so pretty, even one of my girlfriends is following her too.

Let get it straight: I am a girl myself, but I am not lesbian nor bisexual, I'm just a girl that got attracted to another cute little Asian girl who seems to have an interesting life. I don't go for girls in real life. I'm straight. But I often get attracted to beautiful women. Every time I see photos of them pop up in my facebook news feed, because my friends clicked LIKE, then I also click LIKE. I don't really know what's on this Vietnamese beauty so that so many people are following her? I would say she's not really sexy like a total supermodel, but she has nice (but fake) boobs and a pretty face. There is nothing more that makes herself popular, still she got like thousands of followers on her Facebook fan page account. You might want to check her out, peeps, her name is Cassie V on facebook..  

Friday, March 4, 2016

Birthday Fighting

Last night's birthday party was a disaster! Last night was Jessa's brother's birthday party and I'd thought it would go so well but I was wrong. At the beginning, yes, it was fun. Everyone enjoyed drinking and even singing. But suddenly Jessa's eldest brother and his wife had a little misunderstanding, so the two ended up fighting downstairs at the basement of their house where they are living. They didn't stop fighting and they even shouted to each other. When it was too loud, one guy was just trying to help and went downstairs to calm them down so that they would stop fighting. Then it suddenly happened: When he was about to speak, Jessa's brother punched him right on the face and everything went crazy. I heard they were friends and works at the same company and that mon happened to be one of the visitors. Next time I hope he doesn't get himself involve to anybody's business for his own sake. I think Jessa's brother did punched him because he was out of control and didn't want anyone to mind their business because I believe it's a couple fight it must be the two of them are the only involved. It is was personal between them. I feel sorry for the guy and to the birthday celebrant even though he got a memorable birthday celebration this year. Hope it won't happen again next time.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Bad service

Only in the Philippines ...

Yesterday the internet went out for about an hour. When the internet came back, the cable didn't work anymore. Internet has been very slow even before I left my home. Today before I headed to Subic I went personally to Converge (the internet and cable provider) to let them know and this is what they said: "Ma'am, we will get a technician out to you but unfortunately the earliest available day is monday ... I'm sorry ma'am ..."

Wow. No cable for the whole weekend? Of course I was upset because we are paying every month and this is what we get in return: a stuck up internet connection. I told them this is terrible service and that I was disappointed.. Because we know that they will show up 6pm on Monday as there usual routine. So yes no cable this weekend and even the internet connection is so bad but thanks goodness I won't be staying in my place at least until Monday morning.

The Walking Dead

I've been a fan of The Walking Dead ever since I started watching the show. Since season 1 up to season 6 episode 8 the show was really great and been more exciting day by day. But when Karl got shot through the eye I was disappointed, I wasn't expecting him to be blind. Ever since the show has started he had been so strong even he was just a little boy. He protected his sister from the Walkers, he made it far until season 6, I just didn't expect him lose his other eye on the episode 9th. I'm disappointed. I just hope he won't get killed later because I like him being in the show. Karl, Rick, Daryl and Glenn are those who bring the show. I hope nobody gets killed among the four of them until the end of the show. The 9th episode ended when Karl's fingers trembled so I hope he is fine when he wakes up. I really hope so he won't die in one of the next other episodes. He fight so well I hope the director and show authors wouldn't kill his character. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Laundry at night

Picture thanks
I just realized I have dirty clothes to wash. I think tonight is the best time to wash it since I will probably not fall asleep with this loud noise in this whole compound of my apartment. Jeez! Neighbors are too noisy doing videoke. I wish there's this apartment policy where you can't do videoke when it's already late at night because it's bedtime already. People are asleep. Too bad there isn't policy like that in this apartment. Well there's nothing I can do with it. I'll just do my laundry and might clean the apartment after I'm done with my laundry. I just hope they are done singing by the time I'm done with my duties. It's not fun to hear them at night singing at all. I might listen to their singing but their voices are terrible so there's no way I will like them singing. So this is my last blog for now, I gotta go and do my things now. Wish me luck they stop singing forever or hope they move out to another place.