Friday, June 17, 2016

First college day

June 13th: Last night when I went to bed, I set my alarm clock so that I will wake up in time for school. I set the alarm to 6;20am but woke up by 4am which was really early. Maybe I was too excited that the new college semester starts today. I tried to calm myself and closed my eyes so that I can sleep more. But school came always up to my mind. So I got up after a while, ate my breakfast, organized everything that is needed for school, and then took a shower to get myself ready for school.

So I left home 6;50am.  I headed to school, which is the ACLC in front of McDonald's, got there and went directly to the information office to ask where my classes will be held. I was told to go to Del Pillar, the other ACLC campus. So I walked around trying to ask anyone how to take a ride to get to Del Pillar. After 1 hour, a traffic enforcer helped me to get a trike. Tricycle were all occupied by students, and it was hard to find one going to just one direction. So I arrived to the school and ask what room I am supposed to go. The teacher told me that I have no schedule yet for all my classes and that I need to go back to the first ACLC building to complete my schedule. I was like "what? back again? sigh, ok". I took another trike, luckily it was this time more easy to find one. Got back to the building, waiting for my schedule to shows up on the screen of the TV, but there was nothing. I saw a lady sitting on the corner, I politely greeted her and tried to ask if she has her schedule complete already. She smiled desperately as she was in the same situation as me and did not know her schedule. I have four subjects that has no schedule written yet. I thanked her for the information she gave and then I decided to go home, since I know my schedule at least for tomorrow. I will just go there and ask my soon to be classmate about the other blank schedules. What a first college day!

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