Monday, June 13, 2016

Back to school

Summer is almost over, and school days start now. High school and elementary started already on June 1th. Most colleges start on June 13th.

Those students that having their first day of school, well, good luck with your studies. Study hard and make your parents proud! Don't lose their hopes; good grades is what every parent wants to see from you. They work really hard just to get us to school, and we must be thankful for that.

Some of our parents, when they were really young, weren't able to study, especially those who came from poor families. They probably quit school to earn money to support their own parents, and later forgot about continuing school. For our ancestors, education wasn't really as important as it is now, you could still find jobs without education. But not anymore today: if you have no education, you will end up in low paid jobs or no job at all. That's why our parents are eager to send us to school. In particulat when your parents were born to a province, they want us to study hard so that we get the best life that they can offer. Study while you can and good luck!

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