Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Miserable Wife

I love reading books. It can be any kind of books, drama, history, romance. Here is a book I have read recently:

The main protagonist is a woman, a girl when the story starts, and her relationship to a man. She saw him once at school, she's got captivated by his charm and she became his stalker. Little did she know that she would become his wife. He had another girlfriend at that time. Then the main protagonist, the girl, was promised to him in an arranged marriage. When the guy found out about it, he tried to convince her to disagree to the marriage so that he could continue with his girlfriend. But she secretly loved him and and wanted to respect the will of her parents.

Their families were both influential in the country. For the sake of their companies, they were obliged to marry. And so it came to the wedding. The guy's girlfriend broke up with him, and left him miserable. And he thought his wife is responsible for his pain.

Later in life, he became the CEO of the company. But he never loved her back. She loved him so much that she'd do everything for him. She became miserable in his hands. He hurted her, he cheated in front of her, he ignored her, never even bothered telling his friends that she is his wife. At a time, he pushed her away so that she banged against the corner of the bed. She didn't have any idea she was bearing a child. When she got hit by the bed, there was a lot of blood coming out. When her husband realized what he has done, he took his wife and drove her to the hospital, but she lost her unborn child. The wife became crazy over that loss. So her parents decided to bring her to America.

When she was in America, he lost contact to her. He couldn't find her. That's when he realized that he loves her.

Okay, it was a very long story, I choose not to write everything. The title of the book is "The Miserable Wife". You can find it in wattpad. By the way they got back to each other at the end.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Where are my teachers?

It's been almost 2 weeks now since my classes started. Yeah! It is been a while now, but it only on paper. In real, classes are still irregulary. On some days, we only have one class even though more classes are scheduled. Know why? Some of the teachers never bothered to teach us yet. Additionally, we, BOAS students, don't have classes every Monday and Thursday. How are we going to learn if there are never any classes? The time, days and months, are running too fast. And then, suddenly they give us quizzes. How are we going to answer those quizzes if there is nobody to discuss the queried topics with us first? This seems not okay. We paid for the course we chosen. Isn't that unfair to us?

Okay, there is Fiesta in Tacloban. But it doesn't mean to not teach us, because the school has nothing to do with the Fiesta anyway. Where are my teachers? Come on, we only have 2 to 3 subjects each day, find a teacher for us! I hope all this changes in July.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Parade in Tacloban

Last night, I had an sleepless night. I attended the parade looking like zombie. After being awake all night, when the sunrise showed up, I decided to get ready, I ate my breakfast, I showered and fixed myself. I left my boarding at around 7 am and I arrived in school around 7:15 am. Most students were there, some were late, but unfortunately the parade did not started at the announced time.

The parade was supposed to start around 8am, but in real it started at 9am. We all had to wear a black ACLC tshirt to be recognized as group. The time came and we went directly to the place where we were assigned. I thought we would walk along with people in the parade but instead we were only assigned as side standers at the road to prevent people from walking in the middle of the high way. That's what we did. The sun was hot, and I forgot to bring cap to cover my head. Gladly it didn't rain though. So after one hour the parade, we went back to the school for attendance. That's what happened today.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Tacloban college vs. Salcedo college

My boarding house in Tacloban
If I compare my student life back from 3 years ago to now, I can see lots of differences. 3 years ago, I started to study in Salcedo, but never completed because of typhoon Yolanda. In ESSU Salcedo, you could not use internet. The signal was very poor. You coudn't even send phone text messages sometimes. Boarding houses were made by woods. As I can remember, the boarding house I had rented back then is very peaceful and quiet, but it had big trees around, kind of scary at night. All you could see is darkness with bird noises at night. They had no running water in the rooms. But when it came to teaching, I loved it there because teachers taught their students very well. However, you had to be careful with snakes, even in the school building. One time a student got bitten off by a snake. Good thing she got treated immediately and she survived from the snake bite. But you would learn well without paying high tuition fees.

So compare to before, the school I am in now is quite alright. It has air-conditioned rooms and good internet connection. This school is private. I guess I will never be bored at this school. But I hate the fact that so many teachers are not yet available, even though it is 2 weeks already in the semester. I think they should be more eager doing their job. Hope it changes by July.

The boarding house I rent right now is more advanced. Luckily I don't have to fetch water because there's faucet. The floor is all tiles. And Internet works fine, but sometimes it can be very slow. Well, I have no complaints, as long as the internet is working even if it's a bit slow. So these are the difference between studying in city and province.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Movie after school

I don't have classes anymore for the rest of the day. I'm here inside the cinema to watch the movie Independence Day Resurgence. After all those algebra lessons that my teacher gave me, I guess treating myself to a movie is worth it. The math subject has never been easy for me. Even though it's the first day for that subject, it seems difficult already.

So here I am, sitting and waiting for the screen to open. I can see all these people, really excited for the movie. Some even giggling because Liam Hemsworth is in the movie. They are excited. And so am I. Let's see if this movie is better than the first Independence Day movie from 1996.

Grandparent's life

I think back when my grandparents were young, studying wasn't really important to them. They learned the basics from life, but maybe not the details of math or of economy. Some grandparents that I know don't really know how to calculate with money. Maybe it is just because they are old.

My grandma is still relatively fit for her age between 85 and 90, she can still walk but she's old. I remember she came by the road and waited for a fish vendor to stop so she can buy fish. I saw her talking to the vendor, I came near her and observed what she'd do next. She asked for a kilo of fish and the vendor handed it to her. She tried to pay, but when I looked, I saw she handed only 2 cents to the vendor. Oh my god, grandma that's not the right amount. I tried to explain to her that the fish costs 90 Peso. She kept complaining that it was too much, but I helped her to pay the exact amount. I told to my grandma that 2 cents has no value anymore. I don't know, maybe 50 years ago, it was enough for the price of fish, but not anymore today. That's what going to happen if you let your old granny buy foods.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Fiesta in Tacloban

There are no proper classes yet in college. Many classes are delayed. I think the reason is the upcoming Fiesta here in Tacloban City. A very busy city! I can see that citizens here are busy preparing for the upcoming Fiesta. I see lots of stuff everywhere that's for sale, such as different kind of souvenirs, T-shirts, and so on. Typical fiesta stuff. There is even a circus here. I've been to Tacloban fiesta one time and it was fun. There were rides and games and tables with souvenirs everywhere, and plenty of foods, barbecue and a lot more.

I even heard from my classmates that there will be a group of bands perform soon. Maybe I'll have to see it for myself. I'm looking forward to it. I heard we will be having parade then. Let see!

College days, college nights

Last night, I had a sleepless night. I felt very sick and my head was hurting so much that I couldn't go back to sleep. I couldn't find Advil or any medicine for headache in my purse. Hence, I boiled water to drink in the hope that it helps. But it didn't. I cried, asking myself why I have to feel this kind of headache. I felt like my head is being twisted. I even threw up.

I checked the time and it was 4am. There were no stores open yet to buy Advil. I tried to calm myself to sleep. After a while, it worked, my headache was gone, but I was feeling so weak. When I woke up, I looked for my phone to check the time. It was 10 am already! Sigh, what can I do, I am late! So I decided to just attend the afternoon classes. I headed to school around 12:30 pm. I saw my classmates and asked one of them what happened in the morning classes. Surprisingly we didn't have classes earlier. So I was lucky, I didn't miss anything.

There was only one classe today. The 6 pm class was canceled and will only start next week. That's what happened today!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Father's Day, Tatay

June 19th: I dedicate this post to my dad!

My dear dad!

You are the reason why I exist in this world. Thanks to you and to mom for bringing me to this crazy, yet amazing world.

Looking back to the old times, I remember you as a great father to four of us. I know you have temper, sometimes you punish us when you thought we were too naughty. We were little kids back then, and we never really thought before we did something, so we made childish mistakes. But despite being so stubborn, and besides the stress that we caused, you never failed us. You have been a great father to us. I remembered you taught me how to draw. I remembered you sharpened a stick and made it your pencil, and you drew flowers without using any pen nor pencil. You always wanted me to do the lines of the drawing to make it real, so that I learn.

Even you couldn't write, you still tried your best to teach us. I love you, Tatay, I will always do. I may be a hard headed daughter and did not listen to you sometimes, but I will never leave your side. I love you! Happy Father's Day! 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Third day of school

June 15th: Today I woke up half at 7:30am. I thought I am late, I run to the bathroom to shower, but the door was closed and someone was showering. My boarding house has two bathrooms, so I run to the other bathroom, lucky this one was not occupied. I showered and changed my clothes really quick. A small breakfast, just bread and water, then I left. While on the road, I keep looking at my phone to check how minutes I have left to reach my school. When I arrived, I really thought I am late, so I went directly to the room. I saw all my classmates holding their cellphones. What's this, no teacher yet there?

I sat there with my classmates, confused, waiting for the teacher to arrive. There was no teacher there today. No one bothered to tell us that the classes is off. After 40 minutes, we decided to leave the room and just come for the next class. There the same game, waiting, no teacher again. My classmates started to get irritated with the situation. 3 days in college, I have not yet seen any teacher, and students are still wondering why the classes have not started yet. The official announcement was that classes start on June 13. How come that most of the ACLC teacher is not even teaching their students yet? I heard that many more students are still enrolling, maybe that is the reason why most teachers are not in the school during their lectures. But even though, we must be informed! Anyway I'm hoping by next week the classes will be normal.

Friday, June 17, 2016

First college day

June 13th: Last night when I went to bed, I set my alarm clock so that I will wake up in time for school. I set the alarm to 6;20am but woke up by 4am which was really early. Maybe I was too excited that the new college semester starts today. I tried to calm myself and closed my eyes so that I can sleep more. But school came always up to my mind. So I got up after a while, ate my breakfast, organized everything that is needed for school, and then took a shower to get myself ready for school.

So I left home 6;50am.  I headed to school, which is the ACLC in front of McDonald's, got there and went directly to the information office to ask where my classes will be held. I was told to go to Del Pillar, the other ACLC campus. So I walked around trying to ask anyone how to take a ride to get to Del Pillar. After 1 hour, a traffic enforcer helped me to get a trike. Tricycle were all occupied by students, and it was hard to find one going to just one direction. So I arrived to the school and ask what room I am supposed to go. The teacher told me that I have no schedule yet for all my classes and that I need to go back to the first ACLC building to complete my schedule. I was like "what? back again? sigh, ok". I took another trike, luckily it was this time more easy to find one. Got back to the building, waiting for my schedule to shows up on the screen of the TV, but there was nothing. I saw a lady sitting on the corner, I politely greeted her and tried to ask if she has her schedule complete already. She smiled desperately as she was in the same situation as me and did not know her schedule. I have four subjects that has no schedule written yet. I thanked her for the information she gave and then I decided to go home, since I know my schedule at least for tomorrow. I will just go there and ask my soon to be classmate about the other blank schedules. What a first college day!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Life satisfaction

For many of us, the days are full. There is a daily routine: wake up, eat, work for eight to ten hours, whether it is office work, farm work, school work, house work, then there is a little bit time with friends and family and then sleep until the next day. Some people receive rewards for their hard work, even students do, but does this really make us happy? At one point in our lives, we all ask ourselves this question: why I still feel like everything is not enough? Why am I not content? It seems that for some of use, there is never any contentment in life.

This holds even for rich people, Yes, they might have everything that money can buy, gadgets, cars, jewelries, fancy clothes, and of course plenty of contacts to other rich people. But even when they have every penny in the world, they are still not contented with their life, and always want more. If you can be satisfied with whatever you have, poor or rich, then you will find happiness.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Facebook relationships

Social media such as Facebook is where your friends and followers can see everything that's been posted. Everyone's favorite is probably the relationship status: are you still single and available, or are you in a complicated relationship with lots of drama? For others, your drama might be entertainment, and they might applaud you or feign compassion. I recommend you to not post your relationship status, and also not your partner's pictures or anything about your partner's private life. In particular when you are at the beginning of a love story, the encouraging, discouraging, envious or joking comments about your love might disturb your relationship more than it helps. Similarly, when you two break up, it is not good to make the drama public because what you then hear from your "friends" might hurt your or the other one's feeling.

No matter how proud you are that he/she is your partner, still you can't be that sure. Every relation may eventually come to an end, that's how relationships are nowadays. Facebook is public and if you are a person with privacy concern the don't take your relationship to Facebook.

Monday, June 13, 2016

RIP Christina Grimmie

Six months ago, it was the first time I watched "The Voice USA", and that why I heard about this young singer named Christina Grimmie who was once a performer at "The Voice" back 2014. Since then, I've been watching all her music videos and followed her FB official fan page. I remembered how I got captivated by her cuteness and by her amazing voice. She did a great performance with the song "The Wrecking Ball" and I admired her and became her fan.

But today I found out that she is gone already. I can't believed she died at very young age. Who would have thought someone would do this to her. She was shot right after her concert and hospitalized and died after. Nobody knows the reason yet, and her dead makes no sense. Until now I'm still speechless. She just turned 22 three months ago, so she is approximately my own age, and now she's gone and will never coming back.

All I can say now is rest in peace to the sweet and cute Christina Grimmie. I love you! I am forever your fan!

Back to school

Summer is almost over, and school days start now. High school and elementary started already on June 1th. Most colleges start on June 13th.

Those students that having their first day of school, well, good luck with your studies. Study hard and make your parents proud! Don't lose their hopes; good grades is what every parent wants to see from you. They work really hard just to get us to school, and we must be thankful for that.

Some of our parents, when they were really young, weren't able to study, especially those who came from poor families. They probably quit school to earn money to support their own parents, and later forgot about continuing school. For our ancestors, education wasn't really as important as it is now, you could still find jobs without education. But not anymore today: if you have no education, you will end up in low paid jobs or no job at all. That's why our parents are eager to send us to school. In particulat when your parents were born to a province, they want us to study hard so that we get the best life that they can offer. Study while you can and good luck!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dead dog on the street

You'd hit a dog just like that, just because you seen them on the street you'll have the right to kill them? The poor dog were at the side of the road, not in the middle, so why did you hit? There was the lane for every vehicle, so what have gotten on your mind that made you do that? I didn't sees any reason at all, I was there, I've seen your cruelty with my bare eyes, yet you didn't even stop afterwards. We shouldn't forget that every higher animal has its own feelings. Every time you hit an animal, think how you yourself would feel if you get beaten by someone. What would you feel when that happens? Sure you'll feel the pain and would probably cry to death.

You must understand that a dog is an animal, not a human. A dog reacts different than a human. You beep and a human pays attention, but not every dog does. Just because a dog at the street didn't move when you beeped does not give you the right to hit it. We can't be that cruel, sometimes we have to slow down a little when driving. It gets us safer to our destination and it saves us from killing animals along the way. We should respect all of god's creatures!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Farm life

Today I went to my uncle's farm to get some guavas along with my cousin. It's been a while since the last time I came to the farm. It was a long walk from home, took us half an hour by foot to get to there. Even though it sounds like a short walk, I was very exhausted because it is not an easy walk in the terrain. But I had fun and I got some body exercise due to the walk which is a good thing.

Sometimes I miss the farm life. When I was teenager, I used to visit the farm more often. I remember getting logs back then to use for cooking. My parents were planting sweet potatoes on the farm, and I used to bring water to them for drinking when they got thirsty, and for watering the farm. The farm life is no easy life, as it is lots of work, but I was used to it, and even now I can sometimes enjoy the farm life. The good thing being at the farm is that it is quiet and peaceful, you are one with nature and don't get disturbed by anything or anyone.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Same sex marriage

Here is my opinion about same sex marriage: Two persons of the same sex can be together as partner, or let's call them a couple, until the end. But marriage should not be the center of their love story. Falling in love with someone who is the same sex as you are, is absolutely okay. But this should not be the main reason to get married. I believe that marriage is only for man and woman, to form a family to raise children in a protected environment. If you just fall in love but do not intend to form a family to raise kids together, you don't need a marriage. Same sex couples, for biological reasons, will not bear babies, and an official adoption into a gay or lesbian relationship is very uncommon in the Philippines, as we are a very traditional country. Hence I don't think an official marriage for a same sex couple is needed.

There are many couple, even with childrens, who have never been married to their partner. I am not saying this is good for the children. But I know some Hollywood couples who have a loving relationship without being married, and since they are rich, there is no disadvantage for their children. As we can see, they don't need marriage to love each other. Similar, I think that same sex couples don't need marriage to be happy.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Fetching water

Today I woke up feeling so weak. I think this might be from last night's vomiting. I was feeling sick last night. I felt as if my stomach doesn't want to accept any food that I tried to eat. I threw up twice and I couldn't move too much. Everything last night was painful. Even now I'm still feeling sick. My bones and my stomach are still hurting.

I wonder where did I get all this body pain. Maybe this pain came from fetching water. In the province, we do not have running water in the house. I have to cary water every morning and afternoon, and it is not easy. It is needed so that we have water to shower and to wash the dishes or do the laundry. It's hard. This is Samar province life at home. Lucky I don't need to fetch water at my boarding house in Tacloban. The CR has a faucet. But now I feel as if I'm going to have fever.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Alumni 2016 and Kuratsa

Tonight is The Alumni 2016 here at barangay Batang, Hernani, Eastern Samar. That's when classmates meet again after being out of school. Every batchmate should come, to meet and great everybody. Alumni happens every year when it is fiesta in Batang. All people are dancing and drinking there. If you love to dance, it can be fun, but if you only attend just to sit on a table along with your batchmate without you moving, you'll end up going home early.

I was thinking of going, since one of my batchmate invited me, but I changed my mind. Problem is that I cannot dance. They are all dancing kuratsa, a traditional Filipino province dance. I never learned this. Thinking I can't dance, I decided to just stay home and chill. Since I can't dance kuratsa, I want to escape that some for sure try to call my name to dance. I don't think I'd be happy around everyone having fun and dancing, while I'll be at a corner alone. I'd better sleep so that I can wake up early tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Filipina Beauty

Wow, this Badjao girl is capturing everyone's heart with her natural Filipina beauty. She is a sensation on social media, like Facebook. This Badjao girl was with her younger sister at the highway asking for help, when a photographer amazed by here simple and natural beauty took pictures of her.

She had no idea about what's happening around her at that moment, and neither she knew that her picture was one of the most discussed pictures on the internet, and everybody is admiring how beautiful she is. She became aware when a photographer asked her to model. On those picture, she had to dress well and used make up. I think she is amazingly beautiful, I can't wait to see her success in the near future. She's a beauty that can't be thrown.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Entertained by Facebook

I believe that Facebook is the most entertaining amongst social media nowadays. For instance, instagram is all about pictures, twitter is all about phone text, but facebook is about pictures, videos, messages, chat, games, everything. All is being posted on facebook. It is a reflection of our wannabe-life, even though our real life might be less entertaining. There are hilarious statuses, funny pictures, cat fight and flame wars, love dramas, emotional dead notices and so on. You can send your "likes" (thumb up icon) to other people. And who of us, after posting a status or a picture, is not eagerly waiting for how many "likes" you have gotten?

You can stalk anybody, and see his or her virtual life on Facebook. You can find out who is boyfriend/girlfriend of whom, and who did recently break up. Stalking people can be highly entertaining and cause you to spend lots of time facebooking. If not checking others, you can put up messages or pictures, such as where you have been travelled, or whether you like or hate the current rain. Some people even post a message that they are currently using a restroom. Woaaa!

Believe me, Facebook never gets boring! It's even crazier nowadays, with new Imoji and all the chatting. I don't know you will even notice how much time you're spending on Facebook. Of course Facebook is not the real life, and some messages in Facebook are fake. But you get entertained and that's better than sitting in a corner trying to talk to the wall when you are lonely.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Goodbye to old friends

I thought I'd be nothing without those friends who I trusted. I was wrong! I thought without you guys my life would never be the same. It is not the same anymore, but it is not a bad life! I thought without you two my life would be so lonely and no fun. But I was so wrong!

Because even I had lost you two, I'm still here trying to make friends with others. Even it's hard to finding real friends, I am still here carefully trying to make friends. You two might still be friends and hanging out at party places but I don't really care anymore. Even I'm missing the both of you, I have to move on because my priority is studying and not party. Maybe I will forget you two, forget that you were once my best friends. Yes, that's right, you two were once my best friends, I had no doubts when I was with you two, everything was perfect until it becomes a memory. I have to move on for the better, as I was stuck in a life that does not lead to anywhere. So now I have to say "Goodbye, old friends" and "Hello" to the new friends that I meet at the university.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

New President

I hereby let everyone know that former Davao mayor Rodrigo Duterte is now the newest president of the Philippines. He will be starting his job as President this month. I am looking forward to see what he will do in the future to make the country great and proud. With his simplicity, I just can't imagine what is his way of rolling the country. I don't consider him as a rich person, different to the rest that's in the politics, His character are way different than others. He might look scary in his aura of his face, but I believe there's good in him and that he will be one great leader to the Philippines. I hope! Let's see what's the best that he can do for his people. I am proud of you now, Mr. President, and I will be more proud to you if I see you doing everything you can just to help the country people.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Victoria's Secret Angels

I have been a fan of Victoria's Secret Angels for years now. But I am still wondering why they called these models "angels" (see here). Was it because they should wear wings on the runway? Or maybe it is just the best nick name for them instead of "goddesses". In fact, Victoria's Secret sells a lingerie line called Angels, too. All of these Victoria's Secret Angels are beautiful, sexy, tall, and in my opinion, they are close to perfection. Even those who had babies already are still on the rise, like Adriana Lima, and Lily Aldridge. Their beauty and sexines never fades away even when they age. I heard another model pregnant this year is Candice Swanepoel, but with her beauty and body to die for, I don't even think her pregnancy would ever affect her figure. I know she will excercise a lot after giving birth, and she will be beautiful as ever soon afterwards. I wish I would excercise as much as the Angels do, but I don't have the time.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

X-Men Apocalypse

X-Men Apocalypse has been on the cinema for about a week now, and I got to watch it recently. So far the movie was great, with the new cast but the same characters from the previous X-Men movies. As always, the X-Men have defeated the bad guys except the one girl who sneak out after her master get defeated. I wonder what she will do in the next X-men movie. I'm sure there will be another X-Men movies next year.

In this movie, Wolverine did not show up much while he used to be the main cast in the previous X-Men movies. The only part he showed up was when he got out from a huge volt and then fought with the military guys. After that, he didn't show up anymore until the end. It was just a short cameo appearance of the actor Hugh Jackman. That's a bit sad since he is a great character.

Well the movie was great. The best part was when Speedster, Magneto's son, uses his speed to rescue all students in the professor's mansion. All other characters did also cook tricks. I think you'll love the movie.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Jeepney vs. Van-Van

The differences between taking a Jeepney and a Van-Van here at Borongan is big: Van-Van are comfortable, usually have air condition, so you don't sweat, and there is enough space between the seats. Add the fact that you will get home earlier: the Van-Van doesn't stop often because all the passengers moslty go directly to Tacloban. So taking a Van-Van is a lot more comfortable but expect to pay much more than the rate of jeepney.

So when taking a jeepney, you need to have patience, plus you'll sweat a lot because a jeepney doesn't leave the terminal until the seats are fully occupied. They even let people to get on the top of the jeepney just so they can collect more money. But this is dangerous. The passengers sitting on top of the jeepney pay the same price as the passengers inside. It will take you long time to get home, but taking a jeepney is a lot cheaper than Van-Van, hence most filipino  travellers always take a jeepney.