Wednesday, September 21, 2016

My view about abortion

To all who are concerned:

At a young age, you got yourself pregnant and now you are so desperate that you want to end your life because of it. You think your parents will be angry and will hurt you when they find out. You think you can't raise a child. Your boyfriend ... was it even a real boyfriend ... is a coward and did run away already and denies everything. He is the father of your child but he doesn't want to take the responsibility. You are so young and scared and now want to abort the child ...

Here in the Philippines, this is a very common situation, in particular in the province. First, have you even thought about the consequences it may bring to you before you've done something stupid with your partner? Now a child is growing inside your belly, and it is a consequence of your actions. Is it now necessary to abort the child? Well, I do agree, you were stupid, irresponsible, young, in love, with the wrong guy, but I disagree that now the life must end. Neither yours, nor the baby's. Come on, children get born all the time, single moms exists in numbers of hundred thousands, so this is not so unusual, and many single moms master their life well. It is now time to stop stupidity. Don't act like a coward, act like a mom, act like a responsible person. Life does not need to end by this. Surely, your life will get more exciting once the baby is born. Maybe it does not get easy, but for sure more interesting!

Killing a child, even it is only a fetus, will bring you bad luck. Just think how it would be if your parents would have done it: you would not be alive today. You may be very young when you got yourself pregnant but that doesn't mean your life will end there. Know how to accept your mistake! Raised the child, tell your parents about your situations while it is early. They might get angry, but they are your parents, they are going to accept you and help you to raise the child no matter what. Just don't kill a life! And next time learn not to be fooled by nobody like the father of your child. He doesn't deserve you and your baby. Good luck and somehow be happy because god gave you a gift!

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