Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Love your family

Family is always special. No matter how much you dislike each other or even hate each other, still at the end you care for them. I love my brothers and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. They are the love of my life and so are my parents.

Recently my brothers had a motorbike accident. Sure no one of you have any idea how many times I cried for them, parted for them, hoping they'are all ok. Being their only big sister, I can't help myself but to breakdown after I heard what happened to the 3 of them. And I couldn't do anything right away because I was too far away to see them and help them. I love them even when we all don't get along sometimes. I don't want to see them in pain and most of all I don't want them to be in another accident again. I always pray for their safety. Thanks god they are getting better now!

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